Monday, 23 January 2012

Accepting help.................................

Many pupils benefit from just 'a little bit extra' in order to get them to the next level in their learning.  To this end, at school we provide a variety of intervention groups; listening skills, phonics, reading and Numicon, to name a few. 

One of my pupils who has really begun to blossom in confidence and momentum and is enjoying  daily progress in her learning has just started the Numicon maths (a teaching programme that uses a series of structured images to represent numbers) intervention programme each morning, half an hour before school.  This is thanks to the selflessness of a lovely teaching assistant who has committed to running these five sessions without remuneration!

This morning I was approached by this tearful young girl and her somewhat distressed mother.  She did not want to continue with the programme because she felt that as she was progressing very well and so did not need the extra help.  I smiled and told her that the sessions would enhance her learning further and fill gaps in her subject knowledge.  Furthermore, that she should embrace such help and celebrate the fact that she had been specially selected from many to enjoy such a provision.  Needless to say both pupil and mother went away reassured.

As adults we too sometimes think we have 'arrived', that we can do it alone.  We sometimes think that asking for help with something we are finding difficult or even admitting it is an admission of failure or inability to cope. 

Today (day 28) I am thankful to be reminded that I am still a child, my Father's child.  Like my pupil, I will try not to be afraid to show my vulnerability or express emotion when I don't understand.  I will be more accepting of help and just say 'thank you'.

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