Thursday, 27 December 2012

365 days of gratitude, over, but not out!

Life is a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs.  The ups fill us with euphoria of magnificent proportions, the downs, with fear, anxiety, uncertainty and weigh us down.  It is much easier to find those willing to join us for the 'up' rides, but eager to get off before the downs............... 

Thank goodness for the One who will take the seat next to us and ride the entire journey.  Thank You Lord.  Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord....... for a Love like no other and without measure, a faithfulness that is steadfast through thick and thin and hope that gives us a reason for tomorrow.......

This 365th post marks the end of a challenge I set myself a year ago, a journey of wide ranging experiences, of discovering a lot about myself and others.  Most importantly a journey in which my daily focus has been one of giving gratitude no matter what!  'No matter what' has been key to my achieving my goal.  Being in a constant state of gratitude has required me to dust thoroughly to get rid of life's cobwebs so that I can keep focused on what is truly important and not be unnecessarily distracted and I will always be thankful for that.

My husband has ideas on what I could / should do with my 365 posts so ................................. this isn't bye bye. 

I have more recently enjoyed randomly picking posts and reading them with fresh eyes and I have to say they have blessed me.


  1. Congratulations on 365 posts! That took a lot of dedication. I look forward to seeing what you do from here.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Kristi. It has been a wonderful journey of learning and discovering so much about my Father and myself. I could not have done it without the inspirational support of my wonderful husband and my children, who were with me every step of the way. My daily focus continues to be in a state of constant gratitude no matter what although at times it can be the hardest thing!
      I know it's not the end of my blogging days and look forward to future projects.


I'd love to hear from you. Please let us all know what you are grateful for today!