Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Double lashings of gratitudes .................

It can be frustrating when technology fails, but alas it happens and so it was yesterday when we had no Internet connection from late yesterday evening until this morning!  It means I have got double lashings of gratitudes to be thankful for.............

The UCB Word For Today have been doing a series called 'Unhealthy Comparisons,' which has been encouraging us to be all that God wants us to be by not comparing ourselves to anyone else and not wanting to be anyone else.  It really is a fantastic 7 part series and started on the 3rd December, it's certainly one to check out.  I never fail to be thankful for the wholesome principles contained in these daily inspirational messages and was thankful yesterday, (day 349).

There are special moments to treasure in life and today sits up there amongst them.  A most excited, but understandably nervous beautiful young lady took to the stage, as the lead in the school play, Tinsel and I have to say she was sensational, they all were, especially the Reception class, just four years old!  It was all put together in about two weeks, due to our visit from Her Majesty's Inspectors.  This time of year is pretty, pretty hectic, on all fronts, but school gets a little 'crazy,' in good spirit.  Next week it's dinners and discos when I get to share my moves with the children...... I can just see their faces now.  I am thankful today (day 350) to be part of a child centred community, my school.

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