Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Who are you relying on?

I am a real fan of the UCB 'Word for Today'.  You just can't beat it for sound biblical teaching and its relevance and application in our lives.  It is a must to start your day and focus you, regardless of what is going on around you.  It is my daily dose of 'something'!

The reading today was just an early morning cup of hot stuff!  It was titled 'Who are you relying on'?  After reading it (I'll share it with you in a moment) I decided to set my self a mini-challenge.  For everything / task / activity I would do today I would indeed ask myself the question 'Who am I relying on' in order to achieve / be successful / get through difficulties.   Does this make sense? 

From waking up and getting us all ready and out of the house on time, to performing the errands on a rather long list, I can trace it all back to reliance on one source .......................... I rely on the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to see me through.  It sufficient for me and each day I refill my cup with His Grace.  It's a bit like putting on your make up; it hides a multitude of flaws.  So does His Grace; it hides a multitude of character flaws, in so doing, allows us confidently, but gently, face the day and any trials (big or small) that come our way.  Beautiful........................

As I promised here it is:
I particularly love the last sentence and feel that this is something we should do every day, I certainly do, I have to.  What about you?

'We stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God.' 2 Corinthians 1:9
Jesus said, 'Here on earth you will have many trials' (Jn 16:33 NLT). You solve one problem, and another one comes along to take its place. They're not all big, but they're all necessary to your spiritual growth. How do you assess the strength of something? By testing it! The Bible says: 'Don't be...shocked that you are going through testing...It will prepare you' (1Pe 4:12-13 CEV). Some of your most life-enriching experiences will come during your worst moments-when your heart is broken, when you feel abandoned, when you're out of options, when your pain levels go through the roof-and you turn to God. That's when you learn to pray heartfelt, honest-to-God prayers. When you're in pain you don't have the energy for superficial ones. And that's when you discover, 'The Lord is close to the broken hearted' (Ps 34:18 NLT). God could have kept Joseph out of prison, Daniel out of the lions' den, Jeremiah out of the slimy pit, and Paul from being shipwrecked, but He didn't. As a result, each one of them was drawn closer to God and impacted the world around them. Your problems force you to look to God and depend on Him instead of yourself. This is especially hard on super achievers like Paul. 'We...saw how powerless we were to help ourselves; but that was good, for then we put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us' (2Co 1:9 TLB). You'll never know what God can do until God is all you've got. So place your needs into His capable, loving hands, and watch what happens.

Today (day 72) I am thankful to have someone I can rely on, by just placing my needs into His capable, loving hands and am ready to see what happens when I do.

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