Wrapping, writing, more wrapping, more writing - all in preparation to say 'thanks.' One cannot underestimate the importance of and impact saying 'thank you' can have to both the person saying it as well as the recipient. Now of course it is easier and definitely less costly to just say it, but you know expressive sentiments last a life time and a small gift is merely a gesture to further express that thanks............
We are blessed with so many opportunities and occasions to give votes of thanks to various people in our lives and I don't like to miss them, especially when the people concerned are the unsung heroes that make my job as a teacher easier. So I pen my carefully thought through lines to sincerely thank them; my teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisor, caretaker, cleaner, after school club carers, office staff and of course the cook who cuts me a larger slice of raisin bread at play time. It's true that they are, after all, just doing the jobs they are paid to do, but without just one of these pieces of my professional jigsaw my ability to do my job effectively would diminish somewhat!
Today (day 206) I give sincere and heart felt thanks for each of you.
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