I am sure it is not just me that feels that even if there were 48 hours in the day it still would not appear enough to do all we want or need to do, even when we have carefully apportioned the time.
The Word for Today has been doing a 3 day series that I highly recommend titled 'Take control of your time.' The key points that I have taken from it are:
1) Stop leaks. Let us not consider our day only in terms of hours, but in
smaller areas of time. If we look after the minutes, the hours will look after
2) Set priorities. Much time is spent on things of only secondary
importance. We give such undue attention to petty details that matters of major
importance are squeezed out. This is especially so where spiritual things are
3) Start planning. Without a plan we all tend to drift. So in the
attitude of prayer, ask, 'How can I best plan today?' Buy up the spare minutes
as eagerly as a miser hoards money.
The way to maximise your time-is to keep your life's purpose before you at all
times and evaluate each decision in the light of it.
I am thankful today (day 262) for words of wisdom that have such a practical life application.
Good advice!