Sunday, 4 November 2012

lazy hazy cosy Sunday

A lazy, hazy Sunday was in order after the festivities of my hubby's birthday.  To be honest the heavy rain was a great excuse to just stay in and have a PJ day.  Ayo commented that he didn't mind the cold, grey, often wet skies that is winter................... it means cosy, cosy, warm evenings at home with all of us pottering about.

So with that in mind, potter we did.  My kind of pottering, well it did involve making a start on cleaning the conservatory windows, putting some washing on and a bit more school work.  Well pottering about comes in all shapes and forms! 

With left overs heated up and devoured and the smell of orange and chocolate cake, just baked by my boy Sam filling the room we cosied up on the sofa..........., but only for a short while as I am off on a date with mine truly to see one of my other favourite men, Bond, James, of course.  Yes a date to the cinema, courtesy of a dear friend.

Hope your Sunday has been a chilled, family one too, today (day 314).

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