Sunday, 19 August 2012

Ahhhhhh ..................Refreshing!

Grandma kick started our day by blessing us with a phone call to wish us a 'Happy Sunday,'  a blessing that just stayed with us all day and today (day 237) I really do just thank God for her and the overflowing love she has for us that she demonstrates in so many ways.

I am sure like me you might have been thankful for the brief appearance of the rain today.  It did kind of appear from nowhere and disappeared rather quickly too, but nonetheless it was refreshing.  My
hubby took advantage of it by chillaxing in his hammock!

Just thinking of that word 'refreshing' and the way we use it to mean different things; today the rain was refreshing in the real sense, just like a holiday is too.  Experiences can be refreshing; catching up with old friends, remembering how far you might have come on a particular life journey, meeting someone for the first time and having a conversation with them that deeply touches you, even rearranging the furniture in a particular room or tidying a cupboard can be refreshing, doing something you never thought possible.  The list is endless. 
Personally I would add to my list, starting the school year with an organised, bright, pupil centred classroom (it gets a little messy as soon as you add the kids!!!!!), spending one on one time with my husband and hanging with my sister. 

Now back to the outdoors, a lovely tent is currently adorning my garden as Aaron and one of his best pals prepare to spend the night with nature.  'All the best,' I say to them.  Personally I prefer 5star accommodation ....................... although I might be persuaded to try a yurt.

What ever you have been up to this weekend I pray it was refreshing...........

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