Thursday, 16 August 2012

Don't worry 'bout a ting'............

Even the dining table could not escape the wrath of operation 'get ready' today as it was covered in a blanket of paper.  In fact so were the dining chairs, but thankfully by
evening the mound had reduced.  Well that's what I'm telling myself!  I am sure at one
point I was talking to the paper, perhaps pleading with them to go away..................

In order to keep my feet firmly in the land of the sane I stopped for a break and a bite of inspirational reading.  I know this is a message we've all heard time and time again,
but at times I know I certainly need the message again..........................  what about you? 
Hearing or reading a different take / perspective on something certainly brings forth
fresh insight.  I am today (day 234) thankful to the author of this interpretation.

Stop Worrying About It!
'Do not worry.' Matthew 6:31
If you let them, two things will rob you of your peace of mind:
1) The past. We all make mistakes-even the folks you admire and think
never make mistakes. The Bible says, 'For every man shall bear his own
burden' (Galatians 6:5 KJV). We all struggle in certain areas. We all say
and do things we wish we hadn't said or done. 'So what can I do?' you ask.
Ask God to forgive you, then trust Him to make it work out all right. He can
do that. He can help you clean up your mistakes and grow stronger through
them. For example, when you say something you shouldn't, instead of obsessing
about whether or not you offended somebody, ask the Lord to let them know
your heart was right even though you put your foot in your mouth. Trust God to
work on them and give you favour. That way you don't have to spend the next
several days feeling anxious, or cringe when you meet them.
2) The future. God won't meet tomorrow's needs until tomorrow comes.
So when you are having an attack of the 'what ifs,' stop and consider these
words from the lips of Jesus: 'Therefore do not worry, saying, what shall we eat?
or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear? For after all these things the
Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
shall be added to you' (Matthew 6:31-33 NKJV). Victor Hugo said,
'When you have accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace; God is awake!'

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