Phewwwwwwwwwwwww!! Do you have those days, sometimes quite a few of them, when you have so much work to do and you don't quite know how you're going to get through. Inside there's a mini turmoil going on. You can see the finising line, but how to get there? Well I tend to sing or listen to music to help me along the way. I tell myself that I'll be further along tomorrow than I am today. I am further along today than I was yesterday and with my current workload that's a good place to be.
It is important not to be despondent when the load is a heavy one or the task seems an impossible one. Just keep your focus on Him, He'll get you through. In addition the support and practical help (printing, collating, cutting) of mine truly helped me get there a lot quicker and today (day 286) I really am thankful.
Just yesterday, I heard that one bee produces 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey during its lifetime. That hardly seems like anything, yet when that 1/12 of a teaspoon is combined with the contributions of the other bees, the hive is filled. Our efforts might seem tiny, but when combined with the help of the Lord, we can accomplish all that is required.