Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Turning her frown upside!

The face that greeted me when I picked her up from the after school club today........... it was a face that was not pleased.
"Mummy I've been waiting a long time for you to pick me up," she said. 
Even though it was not my day to work I had gone to school to attend the staff meeting and had explained to my girl this morning that I would pick her up as soon as I could.  There she was, at a table, chatting to one of the lovely ladies who care for the children.  As I scooped her up her frown was instantly turned upside and I was instantly forgiven.

On our way home, still continuing with my apology I explained further that Daddy and I make sure that we limit her visits to the after school club, but sometimes it was unavoidable.

It is so easy to feel dreadfully guilty, but the decision to work affords us the ability and opportunity to allow our children to experience widely some of what life has to offer and also bless our family and friends, but at times there will be sacrifices. 

I remember a couple of years ago we wanted to enjoy an extra week in the South of France and the opportunity arose for me to work an extra day a week for a term.  We sat around the table to put forward the proposal that I took on this extra day in order to pay for the extra week, but that both Gracie and Aaron would have to attend the after school club an extra day a week for that term (they were already spending a day there).  They agreed and I did and we were all very thankful for the extra week of glorious family fun in France!

I am thankful today (day 281) for the provision of a facility of an after school club and its team of lovely carers, but importantly I am thankful for the understanding of my little lady.

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