Monday, 30 April 2012

Life's like that..................

My husband returned today after a week-end working away.  Discussing the work he had been doing in Belfast he said it was possibly the most stressful time he can remember during his employment with the company and that has been over ten years!  Nothing went right; he spent sleepless nights, literally, with colleagues trying to resolve endless problems and at times there seemed no light at the end of the tunnel.  He felt quite low, frustrated and to top it all he was miles from home.  If you knew my husband you would know it takes a lot and I mean a lot to dampen his spirits

We hadn't been able to touch base with each other fully as we were pretty occupied this end as well!  In the end he said he was just walking at one point and having a conversation with the Lord in order to get some inspiration.  Finally, last night he began to experience a breakthrough...................

Life's like that isn't it.  Despite our best efforts things don't always go to plan or we are let down in one way or another.  Thank goodness that our heavenly Father is there to walk alongside us, there to pick up the pieces of our frustrations, there to cushion our weary heads, to hold on tight when we feel like letting go.  What an absolute privilege to belong to him.

Well together my hubby and I shared our week-end tales, but more than than any thing else it was soon forgotten by the breadth of the smiles and warmth of the embraces that greeted him, both from his crew as well as our visiting choir family.  Things didn't seem so bad after all and for this (day 126) I offer up my heart felt thanks to the One who deserves it.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Can't take this away........................

There are experiences in life that are meant to change you, tonight's was one of them and you know what I don't get it! 

We were ministered to by a group of wonderful children from Uganda.  These children had been orphaned through the most devastating circumstances and then abandoned by relatives unable to care for them.  That's not to say there are not children in this country who have experienced similar trauma in their lives because, sadly there are.  To human eyes these children from the Watoto orphanage have all reason to be bitter and not angry towards the hand they had been dealt.  Instead they smile with a smile that comes from within, sing and dance with a joy that no one can take away.  That's what I don't get.  Yet I do...................... what they have comes from only one source and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.  That was their message tonight, not one of self pity, but gratitude, immense gratitude to a life that is full of hope, love, acceptance and peace.

Bebe & Cece Winans summed it up their song 'Can't take this away'

Love so beautiful, love so wonderful
Its mine, oh yes, it's mine
Can't take this away
Love so marvellous, found to be the best
It's mine, mine
Can't take this away

It is true isn't it; no one can take God's joy away from you once you have accepted Jesus into your heart and that really is the explanation behind what I witnessed tonight!  Tonight (day 125) I am privileged and thankful to have been there.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Treasures of my heart..............

Imagine my surprise or was it shock at waking up this morning and the time was nearly midday!  I was a little disorientated to be honest and all was reasonably quiet.  Hubby in Belfast, check, kiddies............. ?  Now I'm sure I've mentioned before that Gracie is more often than not the first up in our household, an early riser so my immediate thoughts were focused on her whereabouts!  Had she decided to join her brother in his room for an early morning natter.  However, no sooner had my feet awoken the creaky bedroom floorboards than the heavy galloping of my two babes came bounding into the room.

They had left me to have a lie in because they knew I had worked until late the previous night.  Together they had been playing together downstairs,  Aaron had taken care of a light breakfast (yogurt and milkshake) for them both and assumed the role of 'man of the house', well he is third in line!

What treasures they are, what a thoughtful gesture and timely too.  I felt much refreshed and ready to tackle the busy day ahead and for that I am truly thankful today (day 124).

Friday, 27 April 2012

keep calm...........keep going

Somewhat bleary eyed after only a smidgen of sleep I awoke and sighed heavily; it was going to be a long dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!  I allowed my public face to sing ' hip hip hooray, it's Friday and soon we'll be having a mini holiday (in my books a week-end could be classified as such), but inside I was having private conversations with myself about how I would indeed do all that I had scheduled to do today, both at school and home.  It didn't paint a pretty picture.  One thing I've come to know in such situations is to 'keep calm, keep going and let God do the rest. 

Being in a state of constant gratitude really helps in such situations; I just found myself thanking God for everything: for the strength to wake up after only a few hours sleep; for my Gracie who made me toast as I scurried around before leaving for school; for my husband who despite several days of very little sleep (due to work deadlines) and a busy day ahead still took the time to make my morning cuppa and sandwich; for the teaching assistant who made my morning with her complimentary sentiments; for my class who made me smile all day and for my Aaron & Gracie who have decided to keep me company, in bed, in Daddy's much to be thankful for today (day 123).

Today's schedule remains a rather long list with only a few items crossed off, but that's ok, tomorrow's another day.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Team work.................

This year I have been incredibly blessed by the year 4 team I work in.  My teaching assistant Liz is just a gem.  From the moment she enters the classroom the work starts.  Nothing is ever too much for her, even at times when her back is playing up she just soldiers on. Equally, my partner teacher helped to make my transition back into full time teaching a most pleasurable one.  It meant that although physically it was quite an adjustment and my workload doubled I found I enjoyed and embraced it from the start of the academic session.

Hitting the ground running is something we do in the teaching profession and the running picks up momentum during the course of the year until we reach the finish line in July.  So often we forget to stop, just for a short while and spend quality time getting to know each other and that's what we did tonight.  It was magic!  Nothing fancy, just fabulous, fun fellowship.

We all, the four of us, agreed that we are a privileged bunch who feel blessed to have been put together in a team; a team where everyone is appreciated, uplifted, valued; a team that laughs far too much (if that's possible); a team that utilises each others skills to the benefit all.

I know that this is not always the situation in work relationships and do not take it for granted for one second and so today (day 122) give my praises to Him and say 'Thank You'.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Rain rain you've come again, but we still got to play!

Now with the amount of rain we have this week it is clear to me that my summer sandals will have to remain in the closet a little longer!  At school it has meant that the children have not been able to play outside, but instead have had to amuse themselves inside with wet play games.  This is not by any means ideal because we like them to run around, get air into their lungs and burn off some energy.  Nonetheless I was at my desk, sipping a cuppa and couldn't help but be drawn to observe the banter and play that was going on.  In pairs or small groups they drew pictures (some for me), read to each other, talked, sang songs that we used to sing and made the best of the situation.  They were not perturbed by the fact that they had not been out to play once this week, nor were they grumbling.

Later on after dinner I watched my younger two playing snakes and ladders as it was too wet to go on the trampoline .  Now although Gracie has someway to go to understand the concept 'it's only a game' they played together harmoniously.  They too talked, sang songs and made their own fun, fun that continued through bath-time until it was their quiet reading time.

There are times in our lives when grey skies seem to hover far longer than we'd like them to but Today (day 121) I was reminded that God's goodness continues, even on rainy, grey days, we just have to be more creative, but no less appreciative.  After all we know that when the sun does make a post rain appearance a glorious rainbow greets us!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A privileged position................

Today has been something of a whirlwind, much to do and not enough time to do it all and a poorly babe too, but to Him be all the glory.

There is nothing more distressing than when your babies are poorly and today my Gracie was feeling a little under the weather; headache and temperature, but she didn't want to miss school at all! Her dad and I convinced her to stay at home, rest and see the doctor later. She cried and clung on to me and asked me to stay with her. I reminded her that her daddy would be with her. Still somewhat distressed I left her in the loving and most capable hands of her father and left for school. As you can imagine I had a most unsettled morning, but thankfully the nature of my job meant I was pretty occupied until lunchtime when I headed back home to see how Gracie was doing. Her delight at seeing me was priceless as was my delight at seeing that she felt a little better.

Being a parent is a privileged position that I am full of gratitude to have been appointed to. What other position in life would afford you endless kisses and hugs, unlimited admiration and love. Now I love quotes and could not resist sharing a few with you about this wonderful thing called motherhood and boy am I thankful I am one, three times over!

Life began with waking up and loving my mother's face.......... George Elliot, English novelist
Mother is the name of God in the lips and hearts of children...... William Makepeace Thackeray, English novelist
A mother is she who can take the place of all others.................... Cardinal Mermillod
The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws....... Barbara Kingsolver

A mother understands what a child does not say......... Jewish proverb
I am blessed and thankful today (day 120) for such an honour as that of being a mother.

Monday, 23 April 2012

crticism...............let it be constructive

As you know I am a big fan of UCB's word for today because I just love the way the bring the word in a way that can be applied simply to our daily lives.  I thought I'd share this really important message with you.  It would be fair to say that in our daily lives, at work and at play we are all givers and receivers of criticism, it comes with the territory!  We often talk about constructive criticism, but what does it actually mean?  Read this and be blessed....................
''...A wise person stays calm when insulted.'' Proverbs 12:16

How can you tell constructive criticism from destructive criticism?
By practicing these principles from God's Word:
) Resolve that whatever it is, you'll handle it constructively.
 'A wise person stays calm when insulted.' Angry responses only short-circuit
rational thinking and trigger emotion-driven reactions.
'If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise.
If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction,
you grow in understanding' (Proverbs 15:31-32 NLT). Always ask yourself,
 'Can I learn something here?

2) Consider the character of your critic. 'An honest witness tells the truth;
 a false witness tells lies. Some people make cutting remarks, but the words
 of the wise bring healing' (Proverbs 12:17-18 NLT). Is your critic trustworthy?
Are their words meant to help you? If so, appreciate them and grow wiser.
'Better to be criticised by a wise person than to be praised by
 a fool' (Ecclesiastes 7:5 NLT). Are their words intended to demean you
and damage your self-worth? Words that humble you have a godly purpose,
but words that humiliate don't; so reject them.

 3) Check your conscience. Paul wrote: 'My conscience is clear..
.It is the Lord himself who will examine me and decide' (1Corinthians 4:4 NLT).
If you're in the clear, leave the outcome with God. He alone sees the whole picture.

4) If you are criticised because of your faith, consider yourself blessed.
'If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the
Spirit of glory and of God rests on you' (1Peter 4:14 NIV). Rejoice, your
life is pleasing to God.

Wow, this reading contains so much although I did find myself saying out
loud that 'My Heavenly Father sure has a sense of humour' when I read
the first line........ "A wise person stays calm when insulted".
I found I had to make additional notes in order to dissect
the essence of the message thoroughly in order for it to have maximum
impact on my life.  The cogs of the wheels of my mind revisited my own
experiences and it may be cliche, but the acquisition of  knowledge is a good
thing but the wisdom and ability to use it, a prize to behold.  Today (day 119)
I am so thankful that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to
complete it........... I am after all  'a work in progress'.

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Putting on a happy face................. or not?

Today I was chatting to a very good friend of mine who is going through a really rough time and she said that when she wakes up she puts on her happy face before she can face her day.  We all do that don't we, put on a mask to hide the turmoil that might be ensuing inside................... human nature I guess.  We don't want to  appear vulnerable or exposed to the elements called life.

I encouraged her by reminding her that thank God we do not have to rely on human nature, rather on our Father's nature.  If we were to rely on our own, we would not get out of bed in the morning.  The price that was paid by the Jesus Christ means that we can live in and by His Grace with a child like faith that tells us that he will make good come out of every situation.  The hardest thing is holding on to that promise when the going gets tough, but we must.

It's interesting that before I spoke to my friend I woke up singing one of my favourite summer tracks:

I woke up this morning, the sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able, I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

Woke up and realised this world's not so bad after all
Looked at it through a child's eyes, and I saw these beautiful
Things that you never think about
Like the ocean, moonlight, stars and clouds
It's amazing how we don't appreciate our blessings

Sometimes, it gets tough, it gets tough
But I can't give up, can't give up
Just take a deep breath, close my eyes
Feel the love and give a smile

Destiny's Child

At such times I believe God does indeed want us to close our eyes and simply allow ourselves to be embraced in His arms and feel His love.

Today (day 118) I am thankful I was able to pray words of encouragement into my friend's situation and bring a smile to her face.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Fellowship is like a good wine..............

Anyone who ever has to use the M25 no doubt does so with bated breath.......................a  short journey can soon turn into a very lengthy one.  In fact most motorways lend themselves to a game of 'let's see how long I can keep you here'!  Recently we used the M11 to visit my sister and spent a glorious 3 hours or so taking in the beauty of the countryside.  Note to self, limit kids consumption of fluids just in case one is stuck on motorway with no toilets to hand!

Today we went to visit family in Dartford and guess what, it was traffic free.............  Yay.  Our journey, even though we were cruising took a mere hour and 10 minutes.  What a blessing!

Cousins laughed, laughed and laughed some.  Oh and then they argued as they played.............. then they laughed some more.  We ate, we drank and enjoyed each others company with the greatest of ease.  Fellowship with loved ones is like a good wine, maturing with age, each time is better than the last.  It is a true blessing and privilege to belong, and today (day 117) I give you my sincere thanks Lord.

Let the good times roll........................

Friday, 20 April 2012

Go on........say yes!

Tell me you've all been in this situation; you know what it's like, you've arranged to go somewhere or doing something, ages ago, but when the time comes you are looking for ways to duck out. Well that was me tonight.  I had arranged with some friends to go to a 'sing- a- long a Grease (the movie) thing to,essentially reunite with my mate John (Travolta, to those who are not as familiar with him as I am).  Now I absolutely love the movie as I do singing at the top of my voice with no limitations, but after a busy as week, both at home and at school my pjs beckoned as soon as I walked through the door. 

I spent more far too much time trying to come up with reasons not to go, but you know what, I am so glad I did.  It is good to hang out and let loose every so often.  Clad with my Rydell T-shirt (no pom poms, I still have some limitations & my street-ish cred to maintain), I belted out some tunes with the best of them.  It was a really good night with an assortment of Danny Zukos, Sandys and the rest of the crew.

Today (day 116) Lord I am thankful that I didn't say no and was blessed by an evening of good fellowship and side splitting laughter. It was the same a few days ago when I was literally falling asleep on my feet and really needed an early night.  However I knew I would be blessed by the bible study at church and so summoned all my reserve energy and went................. the study was about discipleship and ministered to all of us present.  We discussed the principles of discipleship which I will share with you later.  The point is that I would have missed out on such encouraging teaching.  So take my tip when it's your turn, ditch the jammies and go, especially when you don't feel like it!

God's divine favour to you and yours what ever you have planned for the week-end.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Simple works for me................

I am thankful today (day 115) that it is Thursday, one step closer to the week-end when we can down tools and be a little spontaneous.  By default I tend to stay up late on a Friday night, simply because I know I can.  My school bag is put out of sight for a day, well, I can make Saturday last for a very long time!........  In fact thinking about it, all evidence of a working / school week is hidden so that I can fully embrace those most precious week-end days.  Breakfast can linger and merge into lunch which in turn can buddy up with dinner.  My Gracie will no doubt entertain us with her many changes of outfit and together with Aaron spend hours in deep conversation, laced with laughter, as they simply enjoy each others company.  We will invariably all fall asleep on the sofa at some point and enjoy an extra long session at the dinner table on Sunday.

The simple things in life amount to so much and really are the essence of who I am.  I thank you Lord for your bountiful store of gifts and blessings so perfectly packaged in my bundles of joy.

Not long to go now..................................

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Sieze every opportunity to show you care............

I always like to seize every opportunity to hang with my husband, especially when he is working from home.  With my school being close to home this means sneaking in the as many lunch dates as possible.  To this end, this morning I didn't take my lovingly prepared lunch bag, instead I looked forward to coming home to have lunch with Ayo later on.

As you probably can imagine no two days are the same at school and I had to attend an urgent meeting at lunch time and as I tend not to carry cash to school resigned myself to an afternoon listening to a hungry stomach crying out for attention.  There would not be time to go home after the meeting.

It was such a lovely surprise when one of the admin staff presented me with my lunch bag that Ayo had brought to school during my meeting.  When he didn't see me at home and time was ticking by he realised that I must have been held up and so didn't want me to go through the afternoon having not eaten.  I called him to thank him and he apologised for making what he considered to be a boring sandwich.  Not so, my cheese and ham sandwich tasted more delicious than usual because of the thoughtfulness behind it.

This simple gesture kept me on cloud nine for the rest of the afternoon and I felt 'proper special'.  There are many ways, every day to show someone how much you care and today (day 114) I am thankful to have been on the receiving end, but also reminded to see and seize opportunities to do the same.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Words of encouragement can be found in every corner.........

Following on from my post yesterday it was lovely to hear and see the children's enthusiasm about the new term as I collected them from the playground.  I lay aside my trepidation from yesterday and boldly went where I had been before!  We listened to a few choice tracks by 'The Police' and I, as always, gave them a little history lesson about them.  The day was a buzz of activity and we laughed and laughed in the afternoon as the children bounced on space hoppers during our PE (physical education) lesson, in readiness for a sponsored event later on in the week. 

What made my smile even wider was a comment a child had made later on.  Following our staff meeting I had to collect Grace from the after school club.  I was greeted by some of the children who knew me, although I had not taught them previously.  One little boy in year 3 piped up and said 'Mrs Aina next year I hope I am in your class'.  I didn't know who he was but his comment was the cherry on the cake to finish a lovely first day back.  It was a poignant comment and blessed me immensly, given my pre-school state of mind yesterday.

God just knows how to find direct people into our paths to bless us with words of encouragement at the time we need them most.  His timing is always perfect and it had the desired effect and today (day 113) I am indeed thankful.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Let the new term roll...................

I don't know why it is, but the night before a new term starts I lay awake and literally keep the stars company and join the birds as they sing their dawn chorus.  Last night was no different.  Nothing was particularly troubling me, I was prepped and ready to go.  I think part of this pre-school insomnia is down to the anticipation of what lies ahead, perhaps the enormity of all this last term of the academic session holds, my desire to run this last leg of the race with my pupils and help each of them to finish with a medal of sorts.  When I arrived at school the headteacher said he was thinking of me, awake as he was, at 3.00am!

Perhaps part of it is that as a teacher I invest so much sweat and toil into the lives of my pupils to try and ensure that at the end of the summer term each one of them leaves my care differently to the way they arrived.  The reality is that there are no guarantees that my efforts will yield dividend in all my pupils, but that will not stop me persevering.  If anything, this realisation means I will double my efforts.

It must, at times be a similar situation for our Father in heaven; how often is he restless when he looks upon us and yearns to see the fruits of His labour which appear not to be forthcoming on account of our stubborn nature.  The price He paid was not just a sleepless night, rather the death of His only son so that I may live an abundant life and leave the old one behind.  I could never repay His continual investment in my life, but today (day 112) I am so thankful that He won't ever give up on me.

My day at school was a blessed one, it was lovely to catch up with colleagues, laugh and share and now I say 'bring it on, let the new term begin'.................  Night night!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Take nothing for granted....................

I had to call my mother-in-law yesterday to pass on some information but she was at a function and said she would call later.  When she did I could sense she was a little upset about something; she had lost her mobile phone some time during the day.  Now mobile phones are relatively easy to come by, at least over here.  However in Nigeria it is a luxurious necessity because many homes still do not have a land line.  Since Mum has had her phone it has allowed us to communicated often, when ever we want or need to.  We were all comfortable in the knowledge that miles no longer separated us, we were only ever a phone call away.  However, the loss reinforced the fact that there is still a wide gulf in the economic progress of  countries across the globe.

I think part of the distress for her was the fact that to purchase a new one may prove to be a lengthy, challenging process and one she possibly does not relish.  It will be a labour of love.

I felt sad that she was upset and reminded about how much we have over here in our lives that make daily living more condusive; how much we take for granted, material items work, systems work, people work.  When it's broke we simply replace it.  When we lose it we replace it.  When we are bored of it we replace it.  In fact we can replace almost anything instantly, not so in Nigeria!

Today (day 111) I am thankful to be reminded of how much harder life would be without the daily material blessings that make the river of life flow much more smoother.

Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Lone time..................

I had to make a trip early this morning and somewhat still bleary eyed and to be honest in need of more of the good stuff (sleep) I set off.  Normally on such trips I would have the company of my crew, but today it was just me and my eclectic collection of cds.  One of the perks of lone travel is that you can raise the roof of the car by cranking up the volume to reckless heights and there's no one asking you to turn it down.  So that is exactly what I did.  I sang at the top of my voice, danced the 'car dance' (you all know that one, the side ways I'm restrained by my seat belt dance!) and you do not care about the unsavoury glances you are getting from drivers passing in the opposite direction.

It is wonderful to be in the company of your loved ones but it is also so good to have lone time when you can simply get lost in your own thoughts, something our busy lives do not often allow us.  Just as it is essential for husband and wife to spend time together, one on one time I feel it is essential to give yourself the same gift, to spend time nurturing yourself through spending time in fellowship with the Lord.  I certainly enjoyed the hour and a half of solitude and today (day 110) I am thankful.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Sing with me... How great is our God

Search for the hero inside yourself
Search for the secrets you hide
Until you find the key to your life

Another of my all time favourites! Heather Small, what a set of lungs she had. What does this mean lyrically? Well it really depends on how you interpret the words and also where you are at in your life today. I found this song always lifted my spirits at just the right time. One of the most beautiful things I love about secular songs is that I can take them and apply them to what I believe.

There is a hero inside and His name is Jesus and He is the key to my life. I certainly would not be here without him. He is my beginning and end.

How great is our God. Sing with me how great is our God. And all will see how great, how great is our God.

It's been a great day in so many ways. Hanging and chillin' with mates, starting with a precious lunch date, bringing and sharing of all things wholesome; food, laughter, dancing and then some! I chatted with my dad this evening, though thousands of miles away he was hearty and it was good to hear his voice, in good spirits.

I am blessed and thankful today (day 109). Enjoy a weekend full of all things good!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Easter holidays: still a few days left ...... enjoy!

Another busy and fun-filled day! Today (day 108), I'm thankful for some lovely and God-inspired fellowship!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Being childlike........................

As I watched from the living room, four friends lay on the trampoline, giggling, legs kicking with no real aim.  What they were giggling about I don't know and it didn't really matter..............  They were simply enjoy a catch up and each others company.  Not a cross word was exchanged all day (at least not to my knowledge) and if there were any, they must have been quickly ironed out.  Together they explored the garden and made perfume which they were about to sell from the drive-way but I explained that the perfume would have to be tested first and that they might need a permit to sell, but what enterprising spirit!  The fun continued over lunch which was given a definite stamp of approval and I was thanked and greeted with empty plates. 

Childhood is a wonderful thing, so many special memories are made which will be revisited and over again, memories that will last a  lifetime.  Watching their interactions with each other it was clear that each person was accepting of the other, their friendship came with no pre-requisite nor demands.  Each person was allowed to be himself.  Now I know adulthood cannot be simplified in this way, or can it be?  Scripture tells us to be childlike in our ways but sometimes as adults we can confuse this with being childish.

I stumbled across a sermon on this and it summed up what I observed today in four precious children.  It is long, but well worth a read and it certainly blessed me today (day 107) and I am thankful.

Now, as much as we are called to be mature, we are also encouraged by God to become children. There's an apparent contradiction here. What does it mean then to be a child-like Christian rather than a childish one?

Well let's think of some of the positive life-affirming characteristics of children. Characteristics I am convinced we are called to emulate as God's children.

I suggest 6:

1. Joy and Wonder

Children have a natural sense of joy and wonder. A baby looks around at the world for the first time and sees smiling faces and amazing objects that he/she can play with. Everything is wonderful and new. Children, especially young children, find the world and everything in it fascinating. Left to their own devices, they explore the world around them. They get excited about life. Whether it's a trip to the seaside, a walk in the park with mum and dad, a trip to a theme park, or a new computer game, children love life and find wonder and joy in it.

Rather than being full of an innocent kind of joy and a sense of wonder, many adults are full of negativity and cynicism. Sadly, this is true of many adults . Having been let down by life, we can all too easily stay in a position of negativity and despair. Even God seems distant and aloof. It is at times like this that we especially need to grasp again the joy and wonder of a child of God. To see the world around us with fresh and vibrant eyes, to look at the big picture of our lives, and to see the good in any situation, remembering that bad times never last.

2. Receptive and open

Children are naturally receptive and open. They are teachable- they have a natural desire to learn and to discover. They respond to gifts with gratitude, usually that is anyway! If you offer a teenager twenty quid they'll take it! They won't say: 'Oh granny, I really couldn't!' They are open to receive, to be taught, and to express gratitude.

Rather than being receptive and open, many adults, indeed many adult Christians, are not open and receptive. They shun new concepts that a preacher may try to introduce to them, concepts that could change and empower their lives for the better. They shun other peoples' gifts of time, energy and money when they are in need, pretending instead to be entirely self-reliant. They even turn down God's gifts. God offers His people tremendous opportunities which some people shun. God offers gifts and blessings beyond measure, which can get left out or discarded completely. What is God offering you today? What gifts is He presenting you with? A wonderful new relationship? Financial security? Opportunity to use your gifts in God's service? An opportunity to receive counselling that will help and empower you? A new car? Your dream house? Often when God presents us with wonderful and abundant provision and gifts we become embarrassed. I'm not worthy of such things, we tell ourselves. Well there's a huge difference between being greedy and self-serving and being willing to receive whatever God wants in his grace to bless us with, so that we can bless others in turn with the gifts He has given us. I believe that God longs to really spoil us. Like a grandparent who buys you that expensive pressie that your parents said you weren't allowed. Be like a child and open yourself up to all the heavenly gifts that God longs to shower open you.

3. Emotionally Honest

Children can embarrass parents sometimes. They show exactly how they feel in a given situation. If they are upset, they cry. If they are angry, they express it. If they are excited, it shows on their faces. If they are frightened, they tell you. They express their feelings automatically and completely unselfconsciously.

When we get older it's sometimes like our emotions freeze up. We find it really difficult expressing ourselves. We find it difficult to cry and open up. This is especially true perhaps of men, especially those from Yorkshire like myself! Sadly, many men still consider expressing emotion as a sign of weakness. However, the appropriate expression of our emotions is essential to spiritual and emotional health and growth.

Ask yourself, how well do you express yourself in Church? Do you sing and praise God with all you have, or do you hold back feeling a little embarrassed and uncomfortable? After all, those people who get a bit over-excited in Church and raise their hands in worship are being a bit over-the-top and emotional aren't they? Well actually, God wants us all to be a bit over the top and emotional in worship! If you find that you want to raise your hands in Church but you never have before, be true to how you feel and raise them. We are called to love and serve God with all of ourselves, including our emotions and our bodies. And we are called like children, to express our emotions and communicate through them to others.

4. A simple trust

Children trust others. They have to trust as they are not yet independent people. They don't feel the need to analyse and question everything. When we become adults, we can find trust a lot more difficult. This is especially true if a trust has been broken in our lives and we have been hurt as a result.

A word of caution here! Not all people can be trusted or should be trusted. Not all Christians can or should be trusted. Not all preachers should be trusted, especially those who preach a gospel of fear over a gospel of grace.

But, God can always be trusted. God's promises in God's word are true today and in every generation. God never lets us down. This does not mean that life won't throw things at us, that we'll have dark moments, that God won't lead us in directions that we might not want to go. But God will always lead us to grow us and change us for the better if we simply trust God to do so. God is entirely trustworthy, whatever the circumstances and whatever our feelings.

5. An adventurous spirit

When I was a kid and I went out to play (or 'lekking out' as we used to say) with my brother and friends, my mum would say 'be careful won't you'. However, we'd inevitably ignore those words. We'd return with cuts, scrapes and bruises, but having had a great time.

Children love to adventure, to explore, to go places they've never been before. However, when we become adults, so often that adventurous spirit gets repressed deep inside us. We prefer to play it safe rather than take risks. After all, if we take risks we might fall off our bikes and hurt ourselves. Yet life, true life, is all about taking risks. Not thoughtless stupid risks, but calculated risks. Often, when we're on the threshold of a breakthrough in our lives, when God wants to take us to the next level of life with Him, God shows us a risk we must take to get to that higher place. God will keep challenging our comfort-zones all our lives if we let Him. But greater blessing for ourselves and others in our world will always result from taking godly risks in our lives.

6. Freedom to be my true self

The final child-like characteristic is the freedom to be your true self. Thank God that we have a Church where people are free to be their true selves without prejudice. Like a child, seek to show your essential self. To show who you really are underneath. Be true to yourself, even is this means being misunderstood by others. Let's not get into the habit of having a social self for different situations which is different to our true essential selves. Seek out work and ministry which allows you to be you, to shine out for Christ just by being your wonderful, glorious self! Perhaps your true self has been hidden for years. Perhaps within a serious exterior there's a comedian waiting to be let loose, within a sad exterior, a dancer waiting to be let out, within a sensible middle-class person, a mischievous risk-taking adventurer is just waiting to be called upon. Have you noticed how children don't have the inhibitions that adults have. They don't hold back defensively in their dealings with other people. They can go up to complete strangers and hold a conversation without embarrassment. They aren't bothered by some of the same social filters that we are. Well perhaps you've always wanted to dye your hair purple but never had the guts to. Go on, do it, if this is being true to who you are! Even if you are in your 80s! Whoever you are in the depths of your being, let us see him or her! If God's house is not the place where we can be really true to ourselves, then where is that place? Be free to be you and allow me to be true to me also!

Before we leave this subject, let me ask you a question: When was the last time you behaved a bit silly?

When did you last laugh till your sides hurt, or go paddling in the sea, or pick daisies, or ride a bike up a ramp, or rolled down a hill, or screamed on the waltzer at the fair, or ate candy-floss, or spiked your hair, or played double dare, or had a sleep over. When was the last time you went on an adventure?

I believe that we have a heavenly mandate from God to have fun and enjoy our lives. Living without enjoyment and fun, is to deny God to work through our humanity to reach the world. Next time you confess your sins, you might need to confess:

'I'm really sorry Lord, but today I had no fun. I was miserable and aloof and for this I truly repent. Lord give me the grace to have a laugh today, and not to take myself too seriously. Give me grace to be a grown up kid for you. This I ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.'

Seriously Church, let's remember today to put childish ways behind us, to grow up, and in St. Paul's words, experience the 'glorious freedom of the children of God'


(Neil Whitaker)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Lazy, hazy days............

Thank you Lord for lazy, hazy days, pj days, re-charge the battery days, days for chatter about so many things and time is not of the essence.  Even better as my boy discovered he actually had 3 weeks off and not two.  Hooray!  Today (day 106) I am thankful for such days that resemble a river flowing peacefully, not to script, instead embracing the unknown journey. 

The Sound of Music despite being nearly three hours long went down a treat, I think I'll sneak in The King and I tomorrow.

Night night..................

Monday, 9 April 2012

Peas from the same pod..............

It's so interesting, watching peas from the same pod, so similar yet so different.  I observed my nephews, each with quite defined characteristics.  As parents we often remark on how different our children are even though they have been brought up in the same way.  Actually that's not altogether true.  We have to adapt our parenting skills to be child specific and according to the season they are in. 

Nonetheless how remarkable to know that God, the perfect artisan brings each of us forth as individuals, with peculiarities no one else has, unique beings made in His image and thrust into a melting pot called 'family'.  It is great to belong.  Furthermore throughout our lives we can, if we choose, continue to be moulded by the Potter's hand so that He can bring us into the fullness of who we are.

Today was full of riotous laughter, heavy duty food consumption, well there were eight growing lads to feed and enough love to put a smile on the grey clouds that were determined to stay put all day.  As my favourite big brother (biased I know especially as I only have one big brother) and family were about to leave the phone rang and he burst out laughing.  Nothing needed to be said, but as we glanced at each other all that needed to be said was said in that brief glance.....................memories.  I am so thankful today (day 105) for my big brother who has loved me, inspired me, remained a truly wonderful and loyal friend and was and still is part of the elite group that make up 'my rainbow' on a cloudy day.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

At the Cross....................

It is a privilege to be in the presence of God on any given day but on days like today it was simply overwhelming.  To lift voices  in unison to the Exalted one, Go Crossways go!  The building did shake!

Oh Lord You've searched me
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me

Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me
           'Hillstong Australia'

I am so glad He loves me, so glad.

Every day we are presented with experiences which allow God to demonstrate the power only He has and today (day 104) when a situation presented itself I am thankful for His faithfulness in looking after me & mine.  I pray you had a peaceful and blessed Easter Sunday .

Saturday, 7 April 2012

The World's Greatest!...........

There are songs and there are songs.....................Some send shivers up your spine with lyrics that are heavenly inspired.  This one by R Kelly ticks all the boxes for me. It's the only track I listen to when I jog.  The creme de la creme is when the choir join him towards the end.  I just feel that every single word could be applied to our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is such an emotional track.  Check it out on youtube, turn the volume up a little and look to the Cross!  Today (day 103) I am so indebted and full of so much gratitude for His Amazing Grace that saved me.

I especially like the first verse and the chorus......................

'World's Greatest'

I am a mountain
I am a tall tree
Oh, I am a swift wind
Sweepin' the country
I am a river
Down in the valley
Oh, I am a vision
And I can see clearly
If anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it mmm
I'm the worlds greatest

I am a giant
I am an eagle
I am a lion
Down in the jungle
I am a marchin' band
I am the people
I am a helpin' hand
And I am a heroIf anybody asks u who I am
Just stand up tall look 'em in the Face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my backs against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the worlds greatest

In the ring of life I'll reign love
(I will reign)
And the world will notice a king
(Oh Yeah)
When all is darkest, I'll shine a light
(Shine a light)
And use a success you'll find in me

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
And I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

It's the greatest
Can you feel it
It's the greatest
Can you feel it

Friday, 6 April 2012

"Abba Father"

Tired babes are fast asleep, I thank you Lord today (day 102) for my rested mate, now recharged after a heavy week of work.  Today we sang, mended, made new music, danced, discussed, made decisions and delighted in each others company.

On this poignant day I thank you Lord for the gift that you gave me which means each day I wake to spend in your presence and bask in the fellowship of my loved ones is a gift to me.  I continue to be humbled by Your Grace, Mercy and Faithfulness, a 'wicked' combination.  Jesus thank You for accepting my invitation to come into my life and reside in my heart.  Your acceptance of me, warts and all still over whelms me.  I am so proud to call you "Abba Father."

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. (Romans 8:14-17, NRSV; cf. Gal. 4:5-6)

 “Abba” is an expression of intimacy. Once we’ve received the spirit of adoption and become children of God, then we’ve entered into an intimate relationship that that was unbeknown to us before. In a sense, we can consider the adoptive relationship between parent and child to be a closer bond than the natural relationship between parent and child, because no adoption happens accidentally. Adoption shows forth the will and intentions of those adopting, and that will and intention is to welcome someone into their family for the sheer joy and pleasure of loving another person. Our “Abba” has no ulterior motives or hidden agendas. His desire is to express his love for the world by enlarging his family.

by Nick Norelli (blog, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth).

Thursday, 5 April 2012

History is good for us...........................

It always gladdens my heart when I catch up for a natter with mates; they are genuinely happy to see me and vice versa.  It doesn't matter if I don't see them often, rather it's the history we have with each other, history which means we pick up from where we all are, in the present and look ahead to the future.  Each time we get together, in the present, we are creating precious moments that soon after become our history, awesome isn't it.  We make history with different people in different settings at different times in our lives and our experiences, although not always positive ones do influence who we become in the future.  Such history is catalogued in our memories for us to call on when we need to, sometimes to lift our spirits when we are down or even to serve as reminders of past mistakes to never repeat!

I made some very special friends who supported each other through some challenging times.  We try to meet up when ever we can because we choose to.  I was so blessed and thankful today (day 101) to have been in the company of fine company, good food, in fact, very good food and fun, real fellowship, where we shared, encouraged, laughed and most importantly set the date for our next catch up. 

History is certainly good for us and I am so thankful for the history I have with The Lord after all He knew me before I was even formed in my mother's womb, He knows my past, is right here with me in my present and my future is in His Hands.  The complete volumes of 'me'!  What a mighty God I serve.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Pondering on 3; spring is in the air, our lives are shaped by our thoughts, 100 days of blogging

I've got a few things to share today I hope you're able to stop for a while.

I've got a feeling, the spring feeling and that can only mean one thing, deep cleaning anything and everything.  Well the weather did not beckon us out today so I thought I better continue with my mission; to whiten the whites, clothes and walls, say goodbye to winter cobwebs and make a list for tomorrow's spring tasks.  Mmm, I think we'll tackle closets.  Where does the desire to re-birth everything at the onset of spring come from?  All I know is that if you want to lose some pounds get spring cleaning.

Our lives are shaped by our thoughts, that was the message in today's word for today.  What a true statement. Once your focus is on something good, evil begins to lose its grip. Only by reprogramming your mind can you keep it centred on the right things. 'Don't let evil get the upper hand but conquer evil by doing good' (Romans 12:21) .  Satan can't get and keep your attention when your mind is given to something else. That's why Paul writes: '...Fill your minds with...good...' (Philippians 4:8).
                                                                                                                            UCB Word for Today

Today I am celebrating, 100 days of blogging and it feels good.  The sense of achievement is amazing; to have been sharing my gratitudes for almost a third of the year has required me to really focus on the daily blessings that only come from Him!  When I read through previous posts I chuckle at the variety of ways God has blessed me, mine, mine further afield and precious friends.  That's not to say that the last 100 days have been perfect days, but they have been days where I have tried to look beyond the imperfections, disappointments, hurts, mistakes and rather embrace all that is good about each precious day no matter how small.

Today (day 100) I am so thankful for these three things and so much more.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

A jet setter life!

My husband Ayo is something of a jet setter, from Bath to Belfast.  He would, however say that it is not a glamorous life, hotel living.  I saw a little of that last week-end in Bath.  Ayo is a true grafter, a real hard worker who gives the best of himself  100% of the time.  Despite a very early start this morning (4 am) he has put in a full day's work.  I am so thankful for the example he continues to set for our children, particularly the boys.  Everything Ayo does he does without ever grumbling, but with a song of praise, always.  What an inspiration and immense blessing he is, not just to us, but to all who are blessed to rub shoulders with him.

I know he is so looking forward to the long week-end where some pampering is definitely on the cards for him.

Today (day 99) I am thankful for his safe journey to Belfast and a successful day at work.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Out of my comfort zone..........................

My husband will tell you that I am not one to throw caution to the wind and just jump on a train to some where, but today I did just that!

He had to don his shirt and tie, ditching the more relaxed attire at the week-end, to go back to the council offices in Bath again today.  This meant I was left to busy myself for quite a few hours before we headed home.  Having truly worked my feet walking some 10 hours in total I decided to go further afield, to Oxford.  With a meticulously planned route by Ayo and regular check ins with him I set off armed with two, yes two mobile phones (one doesn't have credit, but can receive calls), a tube of hand cream ( a must for post toilet visits) and my purse.  I was surprised by how relaxed I was as I embraced my adventure.  Two and a bit hours later I checked in with the boss to let him know I had arrived.

Now I wouldn't say that I am the most whimsically adventurous, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I am a deep thinker so made great use of the time thinking about many things, including my Easter project I shared with you yesterday.  I enjoyed sitting, sipping tea whilst watching the human flow of traffic.

Go on, be like me and once in a while take a journey of discovery.  You never know what you might find.

Today (day 98)  I am thankful that I stepped out of my comfort zone and learnt new things about myself.  Now I'm off for a foot massage.  Where's my husband?

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Inspiration when I least expected it............

A very sunny Happy Sunday to you all.  The city of Bath was even more beautiful in said sunshine today and I enjoyed a 4 hour wander as Ayo worked in the nearby council offices.  Now you know I love a good natter, to anyone and everyone who will afford me the time, so be warned.  Hee Hee!  My natter today was with James (well we chatted for over an hour so I think it's ok to be on first name terms) who was on duty at my first stop, an art gallery housing some limited editions works by the likes of Bob Dylan, Billy Connolly and Ronnie Wood as well as some by rising artists.  I was particularly taken by the work of Ronnie Wood; vibrant colours in oil on canvas that rocked and rolled like the Stones themselves.  One of the most stunning pieces they had there was a pencil / charcoal portrait of Audrey Hepburn, a sensual pose of her in all her elegance, by artist Simon Claridge. 

Any one who knows me will know that I love art with a passion and myself draw portraits.  For me it's the eyes that make or break my efforts.  James too shared that he was a painter and a new collector of fine paintings.  Our natter moved on to other topics, music and even teaching (he had considered becoming a teacher), but you know, I was, as a result of that hour's meeting, inspired to do something I perhaps should have done a long time ago.  James asked what I had done with my portraits and I replied they were just in my portfolio.  He encouraged me to get them out, frame them and exhibit them in my own home gallery.  That is exactly what I am going to begin to do, this Easter.  Too often we undervalue the works of our own hands whilst being in awe of that of others (this is absolutely a fine thing to do).  With my husband's encouragement, as always, I am going to search for frames and give 'my masterpieces' that were so passionately drawn, the finish they deserve.

My lovely gander was topped by a wonderful dinner with mine truly and can I just say he is even more handsome with the back drop of the evening's golden sunlight!

Today (day 97) I am so thankful to have received words of encouragement from a stranger that has reminded me to not allow the evidence one of my all time passions to just sit in a dark bag when they could be blessing someone, as I was today.  I am also reminded again of the power and impact words can have; build up or break down.