This year I have been incredibly blessed by the year 4 team I work in. My teaching assistant Liz is just a gem. From the moment she enters the classroom the work starts. Nothing is ever too much for her, even at times when her back is playing up she just soldiers on. Equally, my partner teacher helped to make my transition back into full time teaching a most pleasurable one. It meant that although physically it was quite an adjustment and my workload doubled I found I enjoyed and embraced it from the start of the academic session.
Hitting the ground running is something we do in the teaching profession and the running picks up momentum during the course of the year until we reach the finish line in July. So often we forget to stop, just for a short while and spend quality time getting to know each other and that's what we did tonight. It was magic! Nothing fancy, just fabulous, fun fellowship.
We all, the four of us, agreed that we are a privileged bunch who feel blessed to have been put together in a team; a team where everyone is appreciated, uplifted, valued; a team that laughs far too much (if that's possible); a team that utilises each others skills to the benefit all.
I know that this is not always the situation in work relationships and do not take it for granted for one second and so today (day 122) give my praises to Him and say 'Thank You'.
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