Monday, 9 April 2012

Peas from the same pod..............

It's so interesting, watching peas from the same pod, so similar yet so different.  I observed my nephews, each with quite defined characteristics.  As parents we often remark on how different our children are even though they have been brought up in the same way.  Actually that's not altogether true.  We have to adapt our parenting skills to be child specific and according to the season they are in. 

Nonetheless how remarkable to know that God, the perfect artisan brings each of us forth as individuals, with peculiarities no one else has, unique beings made in His image and thrust into a melting pot called 'family'.  It is great to belong.  Furthermore throughout our lives we can, if we choose, continue to be moulded by the Potter's hand so that He can bring us into the fullness of who we are.

Today was full of riotous laughter, heavy duty food consumption, well there were eight growing lads to feed and enough love to put a smile on the grey clouds that were determined to stay put all day.  As my favourite big brother (biased I know especially as I only have one big brother) and family were about to leave the phone rang and he burst out laughing.  Nothing needed to be said, but as we glanced at each other all that needed to be said was said in that brief glance.....................memories.  I am so thankful today (day 105) for my big brother who has loved me, inspired me, remained a truly wonderful and loyal friend and was and still is part of the elite group that make up 'my rainbow' on a cloudy day.

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