Sunday, 15 April 2012

Take nothing for granted....................

I had to call my mother-in-law yesterday to pass on some information but she was at a function and said she would call later.  When she did I could sense she was a little upset about something; she had lost her mobile phone some time during the day.  Now mobile phones are relatively easy to come by, at least over here.  However in Nigeria it is a luxurious necessity because many homes still do not have a land line.  Since Mum has had her phone it has allowed us to communicated often, when ever we want or need to.  We were all comfortable in the knowledge that miles no longer separated us, we were only ever a phone call away.  However, the loss reinforced the fact that there is still a wide gulf in the economic progress of  countries across the globe.

I think part of the distress for her was the fact that to purchase a new one may prove to be a lengthy, challenging process and one she possibly does not relish.  It will be a labour of love.

I felt sad that she was upset and reminded about how much we have over here in our lives that make daily living more condusive; how much we take for granted, material items work, systems work, people work.  When it's broke we simply replace it.  When we lose it we replace it.  When we are bored of it we replace it.  In fact we can replace almost anything instantly, not so in Nigeria!

Today (day 111) I am thankful to be reminded of how much harder life would be without the daily material blessings that make the river of life flow much more smoother.

Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

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