Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Marching into 'March'.......................

The end of the month signifies certain things;  pay day......Hooray, household expenses to pay....... yay!  Did I just say 'yay?'  We often say no sooner it comes it's gone.  Very true, but you know what, I am just so glad it came and grateful that I can pay those bills, even in this tough economic season.  Right before my eyes that bottle of 'Shloer' got smaller and smaller but the price didn't.  Don't get me started on the wongarific (is that a word) cost of the weekly shop.  The girls and I used to enjoy the odd glass of Asti Spumante.  Not any more.............. thank goodness for 'Villa Garducci' and if the going gets tough there's always 'Lambrini'!  Well perhaps that's pushing it!

The end of each month is so much more than just 'another pay day';
  • it gives an opportunity to reflect and take stock of loads of blessings, small ones, big ones, unexpected ones, just when I needed it ones!
  • it means the next school holiday and time for some R & R is not far off
  • at this time of year it means we are closer to seeing the sun make a more regular appearance
  • each month has its own attributes - March is such a beautiful month, the birds are touching down on the runway that is my flat roof after their vacation; buds just begin to poke through branches on naked  trees; the days start to feel that bit longer.
Gracie and Aaron went on the trampoline last weekend for the first time since October and after a very high energy session busting some (hope mummy doesn't see us doing this) moves, lay down under a blanket staring at the sky deep in conversation..............................

Today (day 65) I am thankful for the significance of each month.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

In Him I can do all things............

So glad today's done, only six appointments tomorrow.  Oops beg your pardon, seven, the perks of teaching means I get to attend my girl's consultation tomorrow.  Well it's good to receive too!

Seriously, the vocal chords are in need of mega lubrication.  Anyone who knows me knows I don't talk much!  There were no threats to put anyone into a headlock or call on the services of big brothers and that's just from me to the parents...................

All in all a most productive evening and to God be the glory.  When I got home there was still time to endulge in a 'wholesome threesome';  Aaron, Grace and I under the duvet doing some shared reading before bedtime and time to telephone and wish my beautiful Ruthie a 'Happy birthday'.

As we come to the end of February I know my cup of blessings has overflowed, I pray yours has too and for this, today (day 64) I am thankful.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Everywhere you go..........prepare to build GRs (God Relationships)

Early to bed tonight, lots of talking tomorrow (parents evening).  Ten minute timer wound and ready to go, tea in constant supply to oil the vocal chords, oh and the odd slice of carrot cake to stop embarrassing rumbles.  Yep, I think I'm prepped!

Such evenings are tough on the body and mind, but a necessary part to ensuring that, as a teacher, I form the most positive relationships I can with the parents /guardians of the children in my my care.  I have always been amazed by the number of parents who themselves have 'school phobia' and literally break into a sweat once they enter the confinement that is, the school building.  One of my goals each year is to help those affected to conquer such anxieties and ensure that each parent who meets with me leaves on a high, with the points for praise outweighing those for development, when possible.   I don't always achieve this but it will not stop me from trying.

I have said it before, that I am sure God intended good relationships to be at the core of the Christian walk and although they begin at home and with our extended family we must also seek to build relationships with others; the postman who has dutifully delivered the mail for years, the owner of the corner shop, who through opening late enabled you to buy that pint of milk for a much needed cuppa, the market trader who always gives you a smile and discount on your fruit and veg.  You get my drift...........................

I certainly haven't nailed it yet, but I'll be trying my best tomorrow with my 18 appointments and today (day 63) I am thankful to be given such an opportunity.

"Did I hear you say you'll pray for me?    Thank you!"

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Thank God for Sunday School....................

Sunday School was such a blessing today.  I was covering for someone who could not make it and so had to improvise.  I decided to pick up and continue from a lesson a couple of weeks earlier.  They had been discussing love and what God says love is.  They had started by reading the famous scripture;

I Cor. 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

They then went on to categorise each 'love is' into those that God approves of and those He doesn't,
after which they discussed what each meant, in real life application.

Why was today a blessing?  To hear children discuss, openly, confidently and without reservation their own experiences of 'envy', 'perseverence', 'rejoicing in truth', 'trust', and so on was really humbling and inspiring.  In fact they didn't want to stop sharing and so we continued the discussion after service had ended.

As adults we somehow seem to lose this ability to share frankly and in fellowship with one another.  Let's not.

Interestingly the children had difficulty understanding what 'love is not proud' meant because so far their experiences of 'pride' has been limited to 'expressions of joy and happiness' from namely Mum & Dad, for things they had achieved or done.  Understanding the other 'pride', you know, the one that hinders personal development, through acts of arrogance, vanity, boastfulness and conceit, is something they didn't get.  I guess this 'pride' isn't a part of their daily lives and you know what it doesn't have to be.  Nor does it have to be a part of our adult lives..........................................

I know I have said it before and I'll continue to; I learn so much from children and today (day 62) I am so thankful for my lesson!

As we come to the end of February, tot up those blessings. 

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Quiet, gentle days.........

Thank you Lord for today (day 61), sunny Saturday; a carefree, family day.  Some of my favourite days are the days when we don't really have anything planned, but instead we just wake up, rested from a good night's sleep.  We are not rushing off to anywhere and so can take the day at a leisurely pace.  Happy days!  Life doesn't have to be constantly action packed.  We don't always have to be doing. 

Quiet, gentle times are a must and come highly recommended; Time to talk, time to listen, time to laugh, time to share, time to remember, time to look ahead and I am thankful for my quiet, gentle Saturday!

Friday, 24 February 2012

It's good to accept praise and thanks

It is good to say 'thank you' and express gratitude in all situations.  I try to do this as much as possible, for small things as well as the big things.  I was so blessed to be on the receiving end today and it really lifted my spirits.

I had had a couple of sleepless nights in anticipation of a lesson observation by a county inspector as well as the Head;  4 teachers had been chosen and I did joke to the Head that they had chosen the two newly qualified teachers, a vegetarian and I was the ethnic one!  No, seriously if was stressful.  It doesn't matter how long you've been teaching, being observed isn't natural.  I really thank God that it went really well and the feedback was overwhelming and highly favourable.  The Head sent an email to staff feeding back the outcome of the inspector's visit and today treated us all to doughnuts and cookies.  But I really became emotional when he came into my classroom with a bottle of wine, which was totally unnecessary because it's what I do every day, to say thank you for my efforts.  Later on he brought me my formal written feedback which reflected all he had said to me.

Every day isn't like this but it is important to embrace words of thanks and gratitude when it is and I certainly did and today (day 60) I am thankful.

What ever you have planned for the week-end, enjoy!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Loving memories last a lifetime..............

Today (day 59) I am thankful to be able to pay tribute to a great man, my uncle (well he's actually my husband's uncle but he and my dad were friends - as close as brothers really, and I knew him before I met my husband) who passed away this morning.  My heart is full of the warmest of memories of my childhood when a visit from "Uncle B" would be like winning the lottery.  He always brought along good cheer, laughter and a couple of tubes of Smarties!  and when he was leaving there would always be some silver coins for me and my brothers and sisters to share.  It was always a joy to hear his familiar greeting  of "Yes keh!"  Life was just good when he was around!

Although he had been in poor health lately, his passing is still something of a shock; he was just someone you thought would always be around, with whom one thought there were discussions yet to be had.

My mother-in-law said something that really struck a chord with me tonight when we spoke about my late uncle.  The whole family had  been paying for his recovery, but  in addition, Dad had been simply praying for God's will to be done and if that meant He called Uncle home, then that was what we should accept.  Dad just wanted God's perfect will to be done in Uncle's lfe as in all things.

Mum also spoke of how proud and boastful uncle had been about his children and grandchildren.

One thing Uncle was sure of was that he was loved and that he was a blessing to us all.  Equally, he loved us too.  The physical loss will cause our hearts pain, but the pain will be soothed by a good measure of love-filled memories and of those, we must not let go.

RIP Uncle B........................

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Good habits are good for you!

On a working day one of the things I try to insist on doing is to be in my classroom by 8.00am.  Even if I don't have something pressing to do it just gives me that window of calm to gather my thoughts and prepare mind, body & soul for the day ahead.  Most, if not all of the time I have music playing in the background (the children love it and have enjoyed quizzing me about the artist(s) playing); this week it's the mellow sounds of Kenny G and his saxophone. 

Again, at home, before bed, I have certain things I do, things that are now habit and to not do them would feel strange; making sure that the kitchen, specifically, is clean and tidy (probably because it's a heavily used room); school books are packed and by the door ready for the next day.  As parents we subconsciously and early on, introduce our children into a life of habit forming but perhaps, ourselves, lose sight of the power of good habits.

They say if you do something repeatedly for 21 days it becomes a habit.  Well I have been blogging for nearly 60 days..............'Yay' and today (day 58) I am thankful for this habit.

Interestingly, the ucb 'word for today' was all about habits and how they determine our future -powerful reading!

 ''...Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed...'' Daniel 6:10

Your habits either work for you or against you. Take any habit you practise, multiply it by 365 days, then multiply it by seventy or eighty years and you can write your own obituary. Simply stated: great people have great habits. One billionaire says, 'I arrive at my office at seven a.m. It is a habit.' A best-selling author says, 'I get up at the same time every day. I start writing at eight a.m. and quit at four each afternoon. I do it every day. It is a habit.' Jesus was a creature of habit. 'And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his [habit] was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day...' (Luke 4:16). Daniel prayed three times a day. His prayer life was so predictable that his enemies used it to trap him. When measured by the same standard, how is your prayer life? It's said that if you can do something consistently for twenty-one days you have proven that you can do it for twenty-one years. Will you slip at times? Sure, you're only human. But once you have tasted success it's hard to be satisfied with less. Jesus said, 'If you continue in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine' (John 8:31 NAS). Note the word 'continue;' it's the secret of true greatness. Your success can be found in your daily routine. If you're serious about changing your life you must stop practising bad habits and start instituting good ones.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

When the going gets tough, God keeps you going..............

There are those days and there are t-h-o-s-e days............ I won't send you to sleep with the fine details but basically it was lots of deep breaths and just not letting it all get on top of me.  You know, God grants us favour in the midst of it all by blessing us with people who 'have our backs' (remember I wrote about this in a post a couple of days ago). Such favour and blessing was my portion today when a good friend of ours (I say ours because she is a friend to all of us as well as being my mate) gave us a helping hand without hesitation or reservation.  That is God's favour.

At school today, I found myself having lunch whilst typing reports for parents evening, finalising the planning for a lesson observation later this week with my partner teacher, and preparing for an afternoon timetable that had to be changed this morning to accommodate another year group's needs.  It was necessary to continue to take those deep breaths.  I realised if I didn't, tears were the only other option.  Thank goodness for the blessing of a lovely TA who kept providing me with cake and cups of tea.  A lengthy staff meeting later and I was finally able to pick up my girl from kids club and head home.  Yay!  You know, when the going gets tough, God keeps you going and today (day 57), I am indeed thankful.



Monday, 20 February 2012

Grace by name & nature................

Today (day 56) I really am just thankful for God's loving kindness which surpasses my understanding.  Gracie accompanied me to school this morning (she likes to come in and do jobs) and we had a group hug with my TA when she arrived!  It was wonderful to be greeted by smiling faces in the line at school this morning and then children who were saying how happy they were to be back at school.
8.40am - 3.00pm passed by like something of a whirlwind.  Don't ask me for the 'specifics, my feet didn't touch the ground' but it was a 'God' day (see what I did there; 'good day / God day).

Gracie's mega smile after her modern dance class was priceless.  The reason why;  her class are learning a dance for the annual show to a song by none other than one of her favourite bands 'One Direction', just don't tell Mr Beiber !  She duly showed us the steps when we got home, all that hip action, if you should see her dad busting his moves you'll know where she gets it from!  She is one happy chick.  I do so learn from my children.  Grace just embraces all that life has to offer and just loves people.  Grace by name, Grace by nature.  It's interesting that prior to her birth we had not thought of any girls names as we thought she would be a boy.  The moment she arrived, her dad looked at me and asked if I had any names in mind.  I turned to look at her and said she was 'Grace'.  I am blessed.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday!  How has yours been?

It was lovely to see the sun shine this morning as it streamed through, forcing me to shield my tightly shut eyes as I savoured every last bit of my sleep. The birds too were definitely in song, their heavy feet and pecking action could be heard on the flat roof above my bedroom (one of the few advantages of a chalet style home).  Oh and it is so nice to be able to put washing outside, knickerless radiators for a while!  Don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about.    Although thinking about a  friend of mine, her washing would probably be wonderfully draped like decorative bunting on her radiators, taking the expression 'soft furnishings' to another level!

Gracie & Aaron decided to rest that bit longer too this morning; Gracie has a knack of waking early most days of the hols and then have that much needed lie-in just before school is due to resume.  Somehow though she will be up early like a spring bird tomorrow morning.

Do you know we have now completed half of the academic session already.  Where does time go?  The exciting bit starts now.  Winter colds, flu viruses and the likes are just about taking their final bows as they leave to make way for spring smiles.  Children really do come into their own and most begin to take off in school and it is lovely to be part of it all.

I must share something with you.  It was so lovely to hear a testimony from Ray, a member of our fellowship this morning.  He shared that he had been a member of the Crossways family for over 34 years and that more recently whilst poorly in hospital it was his longing to be well enough to return and enjoy the wonderful worship, that kept him going.  Boy it was good!

Worship is a time when we pay deep, sincere, awesome respect, love, and fear to the one who created us. Acts 17:24-25 says, "God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives life, breath, and all things."

Yes we can worship on our own, but it is wonderful to belong to a community of faith and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ who are trying to live out the gospel just as we are, and today (day 55) I am thankful.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

If you say you love somebody........let them know about it

Following on from my post yesterday I was pondering on all the wonderful and heart warming things that would be said today, at the funeral of Whitney Houston.  From the 1500 invited guests a chosen few have been invited to share their memories, thoughts about her and her life.  I wondered how many of the 1500 strong had spoken to Whitney recently to ask how she was doing or if she needed a listening ear or shoulder to cry on.  Like many of us perhaps they simply read the newspaper headlines that repeatedly reported on 'The rise and tragic fall of a superstar' and simply thought how sad it was.

Blame for her demise has been laid squarely in the hands of ex-husband, Bobby Brown.  It is true that he probably introduced her into a most damaging and destructive way to cope with a life in the spotlight, but he too was fighting his own demons, coping the only way he knew how, in need of an outstretched hand of love.  Even today controversy reared its ugly head and he was unable to pay his respects (he is after all the father of her child, a child who now has to make sense of what has happened).

I was reminded of a conversation I had with a friend of mine.  She said that she wouldn't want flowers at her funeral because it would be of no benefit to her as she would not be able to smell them.  Neither would she want her favourite music played as she would not be able to hear it.  The essence of what she said was profound;  that she would rather enjoy those things whilst she was alive.  "If you want to show me you love me buy me my favourite flowers whilst I am alive and can appreciate them, play my favourite songs to me now whilst I can appreciate them." ' Love me and show me love now and not retrospectively' was her message.
My mother-in-law said something similar when my sister-in -law, Foluke passed away unexpectedly in 2003 at the age of just 29.  Mum said that the one thing she was so thankful to God for was that Foluke knew without a shadow of doubt that she was loved and adored by all who knew her.  She knew because we told her we loved her, often.  Our actions too demonstrated our love for her.

Whitney's family arranged a funeral fitting for a 'superstar' as she was regarded; a gold hearse, coffin and other trimmings, perhaps a necessary part of their grieving process to have a public demonstration of the depth of their love for her.  What was clear from the footage on the news is that when we strip it all back God reigned in the midst of it all.  The choir belted out some holy tunes in the church in her hometown, where it all started.  Her mother had insisted on a firmly Christian affair and she achieved that.  Whitney went back to her roots, Christian roots and home to the welcoming arms of a Father who loved her with a love she was certain of.  It certainly was a Christ centred tribute and not the sort of show biz affairs we are accustomed to.

In my eyes there is only one superstar, 'Jesus Christ'.  He died a humiliating death, too painful to contemplate and was certainly not afforded a funeral, even in its simplest form...........

I pray for Whitney's daughter, that she may be surrounded by people who truly love her and show her that love not just for today, but always.  I believe that God intended the Christian walk to be one lined with relationships with people who always 'have our backs'!

Today (day 54) I am thankful to have people in my life that I know love me and let me know.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Say it with words............................

There is something about expressions of loving sentiments that just really lift your soul and gladden your heart.  Now I wouldn't say I am a hoarder.  In fact my crew would tell you that I very much favour regular de-cluttering, even more so round about this time of year (must be a spring thing)!  But you know there are certain things I cannot bear to part are probably the same.

Sorting through some bits today and with my enlisted helpers on hand I came across the most precious things; cards and letters from my husband, over more than 20 years worth.  He is a great writer in every genre; job applications, business proposals, reports but you know he really specialises in writing of the 'love' kind!  I read birthday, valentine and anniversary cards he had penned and got that funny feeling in my tummy, as you do.  Nothing prepared me for the overwhelming emotions I felt when I read the cards and letters that he had sent / given to me, just because...... just because and always when I was not expecting it. 

It's the same with the cards / letters from my children, reading their interpretation, even at a young age of this thing called 'love'!  Each year the warmth and depth of the words they write reflect their personalities and become more complex in thought and always achieve the desired effect of melting my heart.

My sort through really turned up some delightful surprises that took me back years;  cards from pupils I had taught as far back as 10 years ago and their parents too.  Each message was individual and personal and I thought how kind it was that someone had taken the time and trouble to pen such heart felt sentiments and how each time I read them the connection I had with them was re-kindled, if only for a moment.

It is good to give as it is to receive so I also read with joy sentiments I too have penned over the years to my loved ones and remembered others I've written in various ways to family and friends over the years.  My two were thrilled to find various cards that their dad and I had given them and the looks on their faces told me they felt special, very special.

The right words really do have the power to build up the human spirit in a way that can last a lifetime, so today (day 53) I am sincerely thankful to have been on the receiving end of such words.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Productive days..............

It's so nice when your kids have that so wished for lie-in which means your sleep is extended too, 10.30 this morning.  Happy days............  In fact I know their sleep was sweet, Gracie could not remember what day of the week it was and thought we were late for school!  Her 'gappy' smile of delight when I told her she still had 4 days to enjoy before school resumed and that her dad would be taking her and Aaron to the zoo to visit amongst others, some not too distant relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    It meant I would have several hours of school work under my belt.  So several hours and a medicinal glass of 'Villa Garducci' later I am so thankful for a productive day, though looking at the maze of books, folders and paper you wouldn't think it had been.

Having been deserted by Aaron in favour of a sleep over at a friend's and temporarily by my husband who has gone to flex his pecs playing squash Gracie and I snuggled on the sofa to discuss the 'best bits' of her trip.  She was quick to tell me that using the public toilets was not one of them but her packed lunch (which included her favourite bacon sandwich) was.

Back to productive days.  Most of us would probably think that our productivity is measured by quantity but rather it is the quality of what we do / achieve each day.  Yes there is an element of quantity especially in the fast paced lives we lead but for me a productive day would be one in which I have made a difference, maybe with a phone call or text message.  Actually scrap the text message (you cannot say much with 97p of credit), but definitely an encouraging phone call, an unexpected gesture, an impromptu cup of coffee, saying yes when you really want to say no but you know it will bless the other person.  Those are productive days!  I suppose really it's about seflessness and sacrifice and again one man comes to mind and His name, Jesus.

So even though I haven't done everything I may have wanted to do in terms of volume I have certainly had a productive day and so today (day 52) I am so thankful.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

It's good to have a mentor..............

Even a two hour delay on the M11 couldn't dampen our spirits today.  In fact it was a good time to just look around and just take in all that was around us whilst praying there were no fatalities in the accidents that were causing our delay.  Our discussions were varied, from wondering whether the driver of the Salisbury's truck next to us would share his cargo with us should the delay be a more lengthy one to me wondering where and how I would 'wee' should I be pressed, especially in my jumpsuit!  As time passed Gracie kept us amused by her constant references to food; her displeasure at any vehicle carrying food, to the tower that reminded her of a McDonalds tower.  She commented that she was dizzy from hunger although our suggestion that she preserve her energy by not talking was met with a 'very funny mum & dad' look.  Aaron had the right idea and just dozed.

It was a relief to turn into my sister's road as we arrived some three and a half hours later and the welcome made it all worth while (as always).  As we tucked into our lunch and Gracie's tooth finally came out much to her delight and she now awaits her visit from the tooth fairy I was thinking how good it is to have another place you can call home.  Thank you sis and bro............

I was sharing my blogging venture with my brother-in-law Alan and my sister was commenting on how she was being blessed by my posts.  I feel blessed that she is being blessed by my efforts.  What incentive to continue!  As we always do we shared so much but the essence of it was a desire to live 'simple lives' driven by the desire to just love and bless with all that we are and all that we have.  Importantly, we must remain firm in our faith in seasons of plenty as well as seasons of little.   That's not an easy thing to do but it is possible.  My in-laws are inspirational in living life in this way and I know I have set my aspirations high to be like them but boy am I going to try.  Believe me when I say they are people everyone should have the opportunity to meet.

The essence of our discussion was that it is good to aspire and have mentors, someone or people who really exemplify the kind of life I believe God wants us to lead (the kind of life I want to live) and Today (day 51) I am thankful to have such examples in my life.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

We love because He first loved us...........

You know what it's like; it is late evening, the kids are tucked up in the land of nod and we finally have some one-on-one time (I love it).  Well it's the only time we're guaranteed no interruptions or trying to get a word in with Gracie (can't think who she gets it from).  Did I hear you say she's her father's girl?  ...............  In fact Ayo inspired what would be my blogg today.

He was chuckling about our younger two and how very close they are; how much they just enjoy each other's company, their antics, laughter, arguments, tears, fighting each other's corner and hurting when the other hurts (even at this young age).  Even funnier to see sometimes is Aaron's attempts to assert his big brother authority and Gracie refusing to acknowledge his big brother authority, you know what I mean.  Ayo and I are often in stitches as we observe this sibbling see-saw of life that is encased in a hard case called love, a poignant thought on this universal day of love.   He went on to say how as siblings they are the friends that neither chose but were given by default.  What a powerful statement.  It realy ministered to me.  This depth of love continues when Sam comes home, the three of them sleep end to end, or on sleeping bags in the same room.  Actually they are not bothered how / where as long as they are together. 

They naturally use the expression 'I love you' to each other, numerous times during the day; I don't remember being encouraged to do the same when I was their age good it is to learn from children!

Being one of eleven I know from first-hand experience that this sibbling see-saw of life is not an easy one but I also know that there is a life time of benefits to reap through 'sibbling friendship', the foundation of which is love.  I am determined that they will, with our encouragement continue to build on what they already have.  In years to come when they look back on their lives with each other their raucous, side splitting laughter will come from the memories that they are making today. 

A radio presenter kind of hit the nail on the head today when he said, 'we don't need a special day to celebrate 'love' because we should celebrate it everyday, in all the various forms it comes. 
The love being celebrated today is Eros: romantic, passionate, love, which I definitely endorse and at the risk of sounding 'cliche' and making you reach for the sick bucket, is a blessing and privilege to share with my soulmate. However, there is one so special and priceless and doesn't require the purchase of flowers, chocs or perfume and I see it demonstrated in my children's relationship with each other............

Agape (a-GOP-aye) is a gentle, caring, giving type of love, brotherly love, not concerned with the self. It is relatively rare. Mother Theresa showed this kind of love for impoverished people.

So today (day 50) I am thankful for that and reminded that this is the love that my Father commands me to give as he so freely gives to me.

Monday, 13 February 2012

His Grace is sufficient...................

As my boy returned to uni this morning I looked at his tall frame and smiling face and really really gave God my thanks for the young man he has become and has yet to become.  He is genuinely a kind, gentle, polite and loving soul whom people just warm to, you just can't help it..................  He is most definitely in his father's image.
After drying Aaron's tears (Yes I managed to stay dry) I reminded him that Sam's return meant that it would not be long before he would be home for a good few weeks, at Easter. 

Chatting to my 'lil' sis this evening as she was just arriving home at 7.00pm after a long and tiring day at work.  She was sharing that tomorrow may be an even longer day and just how tired she was.  Recently I was expressing the same to her and just yesterday sharing the same thoughts with friends.  The working week is often an action packed, fast pace one, with barely room to draw breath as we often try to pack 48 hours worth of life into 24!  Thank goodness that even when the going gets tough............and it does, we are not to worry because His Grace gets going and keeps us going!  I am so happy that she will get a chance to get away for some R & R with her guys this week-end.

Everything we do, every sacrifice we make, is out of heart felt, deep, unfailing, selfless love for our loved ones and that makes it a pleasure. 

Talking of pleasure we had great fun looking through stacks of old photos today as I was looking for some to use in the scrap albums I'm doing for each of the kids.  Now, some of the photos were old and Gracie didn't recognise me in one or two of them (well I was about 12 years old).  The idea that parents were ever 'that young' is a hard one to take in when you're 6 1/2 ! 

Today (day 49) I am thankful that His Grace is sufficient for me.........and you!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

It's all about You...............

Today has been, for me, a really mixed day of emotions;  we were all so blessed by the awesome worship at church this morning, His presence was so strongly there and through the anointed worship I believe we were individually touched!  It is good to fellowship.........We chatted and reflected on it during dinner tonight.  I know that my husband is so blessed from working with the team and it has been wonderful to see his confidence grow in his freedom of worship.  Our God is an awesome God, He reigns on high.  We then joined in with the 1st birthday celebrations of a younger member of our fellowship............lovely.

We have spent the day debating, of course, the untimely death of songstress 'Whitney Houston'.  I froze when my husband told me of her passing, I shook in disbelief.  Though unconfirmed, speculation is that she may have fallen asleep as she took a bath, due to a combination of pills and alcohol and fallen into an unconscious slumber.  However the manner / cause, the loneliness of it all saddens me deeply.  I believe she was born with a God given rare talent that blessed so so many for many years.  Listening to her damaged vocals as she struggled to reach those earlier heights really brought to the forefront the hell she has been through in recent years and the toll it had finally taken on her body.  She did grow up in the church, embracing the Pentecostal style of fellowship which was evident in her music.  Whitney leaves behind her mother and daughter.  Two of the strongest relationships possible have been broken, along with hurting hearts and rivers of tears.  She did know the Lord and even in the days prior to her death apparently spoke of Him and acknowledged Him, so my prayer is that finally her demons have been put to bed and she is in His embrace. 

Fame couldn't save her, nor money, not even those closest to her.  It doesn't matter the 'dizzy' heights we may reach in this life ultimately it will all be stripped away.  I am reminded of this in Matt Redman's song.............

"The Heart Of Worship"

When the music fades
and all has slipped away
and I simply come.
Longing just to be
something that's of worth
that will bless Your heart.

I'll bring You more than a song,
for a song in itself
is not what You have required.
You search much deeper within,
through the way things appear,
Your looking into my heart.

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
and its all about You, its all about You, Jesus.
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
when its all about You, its all about You, Jesus.

King of endless worth,
no one could express
how much you deserve.
Though I'm weak and poor,
all I have is Yours,
every single breath!

I'll bring You more than a song,
for a song in itself
is not what You have required.
You search much deeper within,
through the way things appear,
Your looking into my heart.

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
and its all about You, its all about You, Jesus.
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
when its all about You, its all about You, Jesus.
Today (day 48) I am so thankful to be able to reaffirm that for me 'It's all about You'.
If you are on half term break enjoy your time with your treasures.................I certainly will!

fun, love, laughter

This post says Sunday, but I actually typed it on Saturday but my laptop decided to play 'I'm not responding to you', so please do not think I've lost the plot when I publish another one which will also be dated 'Sunday'.
It is so good when good sense prevails. Imagine my joy to hear that there would be no football match today and my boy would not have to endure the pain of frozen limbs that often cause him to wriggle about in some discomfort after spending time in the current sub zero elements. So I had a very happy husband next to me who was enjoying a mega lie-in (he didn't exit the bed until about midday. Now that's what I'm talking about)! Wait there's more to come............................ Sam then made me breakfast in bed & Gracie & Aaron got in on the act, well the consumption part!

Don't you just love week-ends?

The pace picked up a bit later, but hair is washed, dried and trimmed and braided and that's just Sam's!
An evening snuggled watching the box, 'No likey no lighty' and a catch up with Jonathan and Denzel!

Today (day 47) I am thankful for love, fun & laughter!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Precious jewels....................

My boy is home for the week-end, I could shout from the roof tops but I better not, might get arrested.  I have to say he is more handsome than when we last saw him five and a bit weeks ago.  Having greeted him with the sort of reception usually reserved for royalty and 'celebrities' you'd be forgiven for thinking we had not seen him for much longer.  Well he is a prince in His Father's kingdom!  Gracie and Aaron nearly fell over each other as they rushed to the door.  As I type this they are installed, sleeping bags and all, downstairs, raucously laughing at the 'Rugrats'.  This for me is life at its best! 

When Monday arrives and he sets off again, we can send him off, without tears (mmmm, we'll see), at a leisurely pace because, guess what, it's half term.  Did I hear you shout 'Yay'?  Even though it has been a short one, it has been incredibly intense, so although I came home heavily laden I am most thankful for a couple of lie-ins and 'pj' days as well as the odd excursion!

'God is good'
'All the time'
'All the time'
'God is good'

Today (day 46) I am thankful for the special gift of children.  It is indeed a privilege to be a parent and to three precious jewels ..........................awesome!

What ever you have planned for the week-end be blessed!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The ultimate blessing.................

Despite the snow coming down somewhat tonight it was lovely to be able to bless a lovely lady and friend who will be celebrating her 50th birthday soon.  It was the more special as it was a total surprise.  She thought we were just going for a quiet drink, only to be welcomed by the smiling faces of others who had braved the snow too.  To see the delight on her face said it all!

It is so good to bless; with your time, kind words, a note, an unexpected act of kindness, a listening ear, a hug, a phone call, an unexpected meal, a prayer........................... the list is endless.  It is not about looking for big things, rather the smallest and simplest can have the greatest impact.

If we ask Him He will show us who, when and how to bless, but there is still another blessing that supersedes all of these.

Many of us often use the expression "I am blessed,"  and I think what we are saying is that we have received 'the ultimate blessing'.

This explains it really well................

The ultimate blessing

Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we have been blessed. When he died on that cross for us, he did the impossible and mended the relationship between us and God. We went from God’s enemies to being his people. Because of this momentous act of Jesus, we know that God will look after us, both in this life and in the life to come. We look forward to the ultimate blessing we have been promised – life in the new creation where all the evil of this life has been destroyed and we get unhindered access to God. That’s a blessing that I can get behind!

So when we’re talking about how God has blessed us, what we’re saying is that God has accepted us and has welcomed us into a relationship with him. And that he has expressed that relationship by giving us good things. That doesn’t mean that everything will always be perfect in this life. But we know that we are on God’s side and at the end of days, we know where we will be standing.

Today (day 45) I am thankful to have received the ultimate blessing.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


One of my favourite things to do is 'people watching' ( no, not stalking),  just observing characters.  Top of my watching list are my children, particularly Gracie who epitomises all that is good about life. Tonight I watched as she ate her second helping of my famous lasagna!  You've got to try it to believe it.  With each mouthful came "mmmmm, m...m....m, Mum this is so good" as she swung her legs back and forth.  Rewind a few years and I remember how she would, as she drank her milk as a baby, kick her legs as a sign of sheer contentment.  Simply put her contentment comes from her trust in me that I will feed her when she is hungry.
It got me thinking about 'contentment' and what it is.  We often think of it as being content with our situation in life and what you've got and never trying to improve it.  I think this is not what it is meant to be.  My contentment then comes from me standing on the promises of my Father; it is born out of my absolute trust in Him for my life just as Gracie trusts her Dad and I for her life. 

Today (day 44) I am thankful that my contentment grows out of having God's perspective on my life.  Part of that perspective is striving to improve my character, but He also wants me to prosper in my job, in my finances, in my relationships with others and so on, so I think there is also contentment in striving or wanting to 'better ourselves' (pardon the expression) as long as we seek His face and walk in His will, otherwise we risk losing a zest for life.  Does this make sense?   

Ps I was blessed with a lovely and lengthy phone call from a lovely friend.  Always the tonic!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Curriculum Vitae or Character Vitals?

During that wonderful 15 minutes of silence during lunchtime, I was tidying up my CPD (sounds posh doesn't it) folder.  I could keep you in suspense.........  Ok, you twisted my arm.  It stands for Continuous Professional Development.  Basically it is a folder that contains your CV, certificates from courses you have attended, lesson observation feedback notes, even letters of gratitude from parents!  In fact anything that is remotely connected to your life as a member of the teaching profession. 

Looking at the contents of the folder I noticed that some of the more ancient documents were looking rather frayed around the edges, a bit like our characters.  I looked closer at the CV, a little dated now.  It needs refreshing, updating, again a bit like our characters.  Then I remembered a man I know whose CV will never be outdated or need refreshing..................................have a look at it.

He comes highly recommended!

The Resume or CV of Jesus Christ

Address: Ephesians 1:20
Phone: Romans 10:13
Website: The Bible. Keywords: Christ, Lord, Savior and Jesus

Hello. My name is Jesus -The Christ. Many call me Lord! I've sent you my resume because I'm seeking the top management position in your heart. Please consider my accomplishments as set forth in my resume.

- I founded the earth and established the heavens, (See Proverbs 3:19)
- I formed man from the dust of the ground, (See Genesis 2:7)
- I breathed into man the breath of life, (See Genesis 2:7)
- I redeemed man from the curse of the law, (See Galatians 3:13)
- The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant comes upon your life through me, (See Galatians 3:14)

Occupational Background:

- I've only had one employer, (See Luke 2:49).
- I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.
- My employer has nothing but rave reviews for me, (See Matthew 3:15-17)

Skills Work Experiences:
- Some of my skills and work experiences include: empowering the poor to be poor no more, healing the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised, (See Luke 4:18).
- I am a Wonderful Counselor, (See Isaiah 9:6). People who listen to me shall dwell safely and shall not fear evil, (See Proverbs 1:33).
- Most importantly, I have the authority, ability and power to cleanse you of your sins, (See I John 1:7-9)

Educational Background:
- I encompass the entire breadth and length of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, (See Proverbs 2:6).
- In me are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, (See Colossians 2:3).
- My Word is so powerful; it has been described as being a lamp unto your feet and a lamp unto your path, (See Psalms 119:105).
- I can even tell you all of the secrets of your heart, (See Psalms 44:21).

Major Accomplishments
- I was an active participant in the greatest Summit Meeting of all times, (See Genesis 1:26).
- I laid down my life so that you may live, (See II Corinthians 5:15).
- I defeated the archenemy of God and mankind and made a show of them openly, (See Colossians 2:15).
- I've miraculously fed the poor, healed the sick and raised the dead!
- There are many more major accomplishments, too many to mention here. You can read them on my website, which is located at: www dot - the BIBLE. You don't need an Internet connection or computer to access my website.

- Believers and followers worldwide will testify to my divine healings, salvation, deliverance, miracles, restoration and supernatural guidance

In Summation:
Now that you've read my resume, I'm confident that I'm the only candidate uniquely qualified to fill this vital position in your heart.. In summation, I will properly direct your paths, (See Proverbs 3:5-6), and lead you into everlasting life, (See John 6:47). When can I start? Time is of the essence, (See Hebrews 3:15).

Now, to say I know that I cannot compete with such perfection is a major understatement, but today (day 43) I am thankful that 'He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it' so I am going to keep running the race.........................

Monday, 6 February 2012

Make lemonade and build snowmen......

Well it didn't happen, we didn't get an extra day off school, despite my waking up extra early to receive the phone call that would give me that three day week-end you've all been praying for!!!!!!!!!!!  So off we trudged, suited and booted.  Such excitement filled my classroom from the squeals of 54 very excited 8 and 9 year olds all eager to go and make fun or trouble!  I know that I do prefer warmer climates, but seeing the sheer joy on their faces makes the endurance all the more worth while.  They were happy that school had not been cancelled.  Well all this snow and no friends to enjoy it with?  Shudder the thought!  Little pleasures gladden the hearts of God's treasures. 

We should be so so much more like children, as much as often, seeing the glass half full rather than half empty.  Every situation should be seen for the opportunity it presents and not just the potential trouble.  Hearing the roaring laughter from my two and their friend as they deposited mammoth potions of snow down each others backs and joggers was a sight and gave us memories that are for keeps.  As we hung out soggy undies on radiators they sat triumphant on the sofa bragging about their escapades.

Today (day 42) thank you for revealing to me the possible simple nature of a world often made so complicated by man.  This doesn't mean we live a naive existence ignoring the demands of daily life but as a friend of mine once said, 'when life gives you lemons make lemonade'.  In the example of the recent weather 'when life gave the children snow they made snowmen'.  Get the picture................... I certainly do.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Count those blessings...............

'Snow has fallen, all around us, children have played and had lots of fun.  It's still the season for love and understanding, Happy Sunday everyone'.  Shakin's version was slightly different I know but........

I enjoyed a chat with two lovely and special people today, my gorgeous niece and my brother-in-law.  I am blessed to have many princesses in my life and Nia-Maya, caring, sensitive, 'bright and beautiful' (see what I did there) and a singing star to watch, is one of them.  My brother-in-law, Barbi called to check how we were coping with the sub zero temperatures and slipped in that he was enjoying tropical temperatures.  At this point I would normally threaten to slash his tyres (in love of course) but alas Nigeria is a few too many miles away.  He is such a blessing, more my brother really.

Talking of blessings I can't believe we have already entered the second month of this year so I thought I'd throw you a challenge.  I've done it myself.  Grab a piece of paper and on it write down all the blessings you have received this year, in just the month of January.  Read through and thank God for each one and then blu tac / sellotape it somewhere you can see each morning; it will serve as an encouragement to you throughout your day, especially the tough ones.  At the same time let us remind ourselves of how much we can and should be a blessing to others too, that in itself is a blessing and today (day 41) I am thankful.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Staying focused despite............................

Today was a rare Saturday, I got to have a reasonable measure of a lie-in and after a hard week's work that's like winning the ultimate prize.  My son was also rather pleased that his football match had been cancelled due to a frozen pitch, so more time in bed for us all except Gracie who has far too much to do to let sleep get in the way! 

I quite often use such times to 'ponder' life and explore / gather my thoughts, nothing specifically, but rather many things.  I am sure I even talk to myself (I know what you're thinking)!  Today I pondered on the Christian walk and how sometimes in life, situations, circumstances, events can distract, discourage and detract from what is important.

My answer is to 'stay focused despite'..................

I stand on a promise that says  'greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world' (1John 4:4).  This is what I am firmly holding on to.    Today (day 40) I am thankful that each day I wake, even before I  get out of bed I recommit to Him and surrender it all.  Imagine being able to do that!  Then I can go boldly, with my suit of heavenly armour, where no one...............................  Get my drift?

Have a blessed Sunday.

Friday, 3 February 2012


I don't think a week-end has been so eagerly awaited as this one.  That was the banter around school today as most of us 'legged' it not long after the close of day at 3.00pm.  I think we (staff and children) are all in need of some early nights and warmer days although most of the children are hoping for snow.  As pretty as it all looks, especially from the inside I am most definitely a hot weather girl!  Is it the attraction of a longer holiday, endless summer evenings, full English breakfasts as one lies by the pool?  Somebody stop me!   

My Father, author of creation gave us these four seasons, each very different from the previous one and the one that's to come; each bringing with it trials, hardship and uncertainty but also surprises, certainty (well winter has an end), and always, reasons to be jubilant and thankful, much like life's seasons. Through it all we have the assurance that You will never change and that we have the promise of an everlasting season with you, full of nothing but blessings.  As the youngsters would say, 'epic' or is it 'wicked' or is it 'sound'...................I give up, but you know what I mean!

Lord today (day 39) I marvel at the uniqueness of the seasons and am thankful that this winter has brought so many opportunities for discussion about the moon, the origins of snow, when the birds will return and even religious dress code, with my daughter as we walked to and from school.   I can't wait for the inquisitive questions she will ask when spring arrives!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

It's good to catch up..........

It is so good to catch up with friends and just laugh and laugh and that's exactly what I did tonight, with a special mate indeed.  We don't see each other every day, every week or even every month, but when we do it is such a blessing and I always leave buzzing and I know she does too.  You see it's about sharing, caring, listening, laughing, crying, celebrating, encouraging and just .....................being ourselves.  It is necessary and food for the soul!

I learnt from her that apple pie and shandy were not a done thing, shandy and a bag of crisps on the other hand.............!  So not one to miss out on apple pie I settled for hot chocolate instead.

God is good and today (day 38) I am thankful that He encourages us to fellowship, and be built up and strengthened in the love that can be found in such friendships and they can last a lifetime. 

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Home sweet home............

Waking to the cold chill this morning was a rude awakening indeed.   Brrrrrrrrrr, it was and still is coooooooooooold!  Looking out of my bedroom window though, it was a beautiful scene, icicles on some branches of the trees which stood quite indifferent to our frosty dilemma.  I could hear just a few birds, perhaps those brave enough to make an early return from warmer climates and join us.  As they sang their songs I couldn't help but think their message was 'we have come back to stand with you, in solidarity'! 

My daughter checks quickly to see if it has snowed and returns disappointed, but full of hope that snow is on its way.  In fact she quickly consults the computer to remind herself of how snow is made, maybe to send a prayer and message containing the recipe up to the sky, in case He had forgotten!

People with determined expressions carried on with their day, perhaps not aware that somewhere not too far away up to 80 people had lost their lives because of this cold snap with temperatures as low as -29 degrees recorded.  Some of them had been homeless. 

Today (day37)
My Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be your name
Thank you for giving me and all my family and friends, near and far, this day, our daily bread; enough food to eat, warm clothes to wear and of course warm homes to take shelter from the sometimes harsh environment, not attributable to the weather,!

Lord I thank you that a warm welcome awaits and that Your Kingdom has room for all, a place where no one will be homeless.