Monday, 27 February 2012

Everywhere you go..........prepare to build GRs (God Relationships)

Early to bed tonight, lots of talking tomorrow (parents evening).  Ten minute timer wound and ready to go, tea in constant supply to oil the vocal chords, oh and the odd slice of carrot cake to stop embarrassing rumbles.  Yep, I think I'm prepped!

Such evenings are tough on the body and mind, but a necessary part to ensuring that, as a teacher, I form the most positive relationships I can with the parents /guardians of the children in my my care.  I have always been amazed by the number of parents who themselves have 'school phobia' and literally break into a sweat once they enter the confinement that is, the school building.  One of my goals each year is to help those affected to conquer such anxieties and ensure that each parent who meets with me leaves on a high, with the points for praise outweighing those for development, when possible.   I don't always achieve this but it will not stop me from trying.

I have said it before, that I am sure God intended good relationships to be at the core of the Christian walk and although they begin at home and with our extended family we must also seek to build relationships with others; the postman who has dutifully delivered the mail for years, the owner of the corner shop, who through opening late enabled you to buy that pint of milk for a much needed cuppa, the market trader who always gives you a smile and discount on your fruit and veg.  You get my drift...........................

I certainly haven't nailed it yet, but I'll be trying my best tomorrow with my 18 appointments and today (day 63) I am thankful to be given such an opportunity.

"Did I hear you say you'll pray for me?    Thank you!"

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