Monday, 6 February 2012

Make lemonade and build snowmen......

Well it didn't happen, we didn't get an extra day off school, despite my waking up extra early to receive the phone call that would give me that three day week-end you've all been praying for!!!!!!!!!!!  So off we trudged, suited and booted.  Such excitement filled my classroom from the squeals of 54 very excited 8 and 9 year olds all eager to go and make fun or trouble!  I know that I do prefer warmer climates, but seeing the sheer joy on their faces makes the endurance all the more worth while.  They were happy that school had not been cancelled.  Well all this snow and no friends to enjoy it with?  Shudder the thought!  Little pleasures gladden the hearts of God's treasures. 

We should be so so much more like children, as much as often, seeing the glass half full rather than half empty.  Every situation should be seen for the opportunity it presents and not just the potential trouble.  Hearing the roaring laughter from my two and their friend as they deposited mammoth potions of snow down each others backs and joggers was a sight and gave us memories that are for keeps.  As we hung out soggy undies on radiators they sat triumphant on the sofa bragging about their escapades.

Today (day 42) thank you for revealing to me the possible simple nature of a world often made so complicated by man.  This doesn't mean we live a naive existence ignoring the demands of daily life but as a friend of mine once said, 'when life gives you lemons make lemonade'.  In the example of the recent weather 'when life gave the children snow they made snowmen'.  Get the picture................... I certainly do.

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