Thursday, 16 February 2012

Productive days..............

It's so nice when your kids have that so wished for lie-in which means your sleep is extended too, 10.30 this morning.  Happy days............  In fact I know their sleep was sweet, Gracie could not remember what day of the week it was and thought we were late for school!  Her 'gappy' smile of delight when I told her she still had 4 days to enjoy before school resumed and that her dad would be taking her and Aaron to the zoo to visit amongst others, some not too distant relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    It meant I would have several hours of school work under my belt.  So several hours and a medicinal glass of 'Villa Garducci' later I am so thankful for a productive day, though looking at the maze of books, folders and paper you wouldn't think it had been.

Having been deserted by Aaron in favour of a sleep over at a friend's and temporarily by my husband who has gone to flex his pecs playing squash Gracie and I snuggled on the sofa to discuss the 'best bits' of her trip.  She was quick to tell me that using the public toilets was not one of them but her packed lunch (which included her favourite bacon sandwich) was.

Back to productive days.  Most of us would probably think that our productivity is measured by quantity but rather it is the quality of what we do / achieve each day.  Yes there is an element of quantity especially in the fast paced lives we lead but for me a productive day would be one in which I have made a difference, maybe with a phone call or text message.  Actually scrap the text message (you cannot say much with 97p of credit), but definitely an encouraging phone call, an unexpected gesture, an impromptu cup of coffee, saying yes when you really want to say no but you know it will bless the other person.  Those are productive days!  I suppose really it's about seflessness and sacrifice and again one man comes to mind and His name, Jesus.

So even though I haven't done everything I may have wanted to do in terms of volume I have certainly had a productive day and so today (day 52) I am so thankful.

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