Friday, 3 February 2012


I don't think a week-end has been so eagerly awaited as this one.  That was the banter around school today as most of us 'legged' it not long after the close of day at 3.00pm.  I think we (staff and children) are all in need of some early nights and warmer days although most of the children are hoping for snow.  As pretty as it all looks, especially from the inside I am most definitely a hot weather girl!  Is it the attraction of a longer holiday, endless summer evenings, full English breakfasts as one lies by the pool?  Somebody stop me!   

My Father, author of creation gave us these four seasons, each very different from the previous one and the one that's to come; each bringing with it trials, hardship and uncertainty but also surprises, certainty (well winter has an end), and always, reasons to be jubilant and thankful, much like life's seasons. Through it all we have the assurance that You will never change and that we have the promise of an everlasting season with you, full of nothing but blessings.  As the youngsters would say, 'epic' or is it 'wicked' or is it 'sound'...................I give up, but you know what I mean!

Lord today (day 39) I marvel at the uniqueness of the seasons and am thankful that this winter has brought so many opportunities for discussion about the moon, the origins of snow, when the birds will return and even religious dress code, with my daughter as we walked to and from school.   I can't wait for the inquisitive questions she will ask when spring arrives!

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