Monday, 25 June 2012

Counting down............

It's amazing what the appearance of sunshine can do to just boost the enthusiasm, energy and just general feel good factor of children and adults alike.  My class were just thrilled to be able to have two lots of outdoor play in one day!

And so we have the final countdown, four weeks until the end of the academic session and the beginning of the summer (I use the term loosely) vacation.  As I sealed my completed reports on each of the children in my class I am happy in the knowledge that I have given my very best to each of them in my capacity as class teacher.

Today's word for today encourages us to keep trying:

Keep Trying
'...Well done, good and faithful servant...' Matthew 25:23
In Discipleship Journal Paul Thigpen writes: 'I remember coming home
one afternoon to discover that the kitchen I had worked so hard to clean only
a few hours before, was now a terrible wreck. My young daughter had obviously
been busy 'cooking' and the ingredients were scattered, along with dirty bowls
and utensils, across the counters and floor. I was not happy with the situation.
Then, as I looked a little more closely at the mess I spied a tiny note on the
table, clumsily written and smeared with chocolatey fingerprints. The message
was short-'I'm makin somethin 4 you, dad'-and it was signed, 'your angel.
' In the midst of that disarray, and despite my irritation, joy suddenly sprang
up in my heart, sweet and pure. My attention had been redirected from the
problem to the little girl I loved. As I encountered her in that brief note,
I delighted in her. With her simple goodness in focus, I could take pleasure
in seeing her hand at work in the situation that seemed otherwise disastrous.
' In the parable of the talents, Jesus pointed out that the two servants who
invested and multiplied what had been entrusted to them received the Master's
highest commendation: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' On the other
hand, the servant who buried his gifts rather than risk and lose, received the
Master's harshest condemnation: '...You wicked and lazy servant...' (v. 26 NKJV). Commendation or condemnation: which will you receive? God doesn't say,
'If you can't do it right, don't do it at all.' No, He's pleased when you try,
make mistakes, learn from them and grow. So keep trying!

I was so happy and thankful to read this today (day 182) because it means that
tomorrow, just as today I am going to try to be the best I can be in each of the
roles that make up my being and know that in doing so my Father is pleased. 
I will try to not worry if I fall short, instead learn from my mistakes and press on.

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