Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Thankful for many small things......................

'Serve the Lord with gladness...' Psalm 100:2
Paul writes: 'When people commend themselves, it doesn't count for much.
The important thing is for the Lord to commend them' (2 Corinthians 10:18 NLT).
If your self-worth is based on anything other than God's approval, you won't
 serve with the right motives. Insecure people worry about how they'll be
 perceived by others. They hide their weaknesses beneath layers of
protective pride. The more insecure you are, the more you need people to
serve you, and the more you work for their acceptance. One Bible scholar
writes: 'In order to be of service to others we must die to them; that is, we
have to give up measuring our meaning and value by the yardstick of others...
Thus we become free to be compassionate.' Your service should not be based
on the response of those you are serving, but on obedience to God alone. True
servants of God don't insist on having lofty titles. If their job description calls for it,
they wear that badge with humility. Paul, the greatest of the apostles, wrote:
'You may brag about yourself, but the only approval that counts is the Lord's approval'
(v. 18 CEV). If anybody had a chance to name-drop, it was James the half-brother
of Jesus. What credentials; imagine growing up with Jesus as your brother!
Yet he simply referred to himself in Scripture as 'a servant of God and of the
Lord Jesus Christ...' (James 1:1). Your service to Christ should be both your job
and your joy: 'Serve the Lord with gladness.' Can you imagine what would be
accomplished if we all got serious about our role as servants-and did it joyfully?

Today (day 169) I am thankful for so many things: constant side splitting laughter and I mean from the adults; peppermint oil which abated the feelings of sickness and today there was plenty of that about; sunshine that followed us all day; inquisitive, excited children who embraced all they did today; fewer tears at bedtime and a most welcome cup of tea................

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