Yesterday I wrote about the fact that no two days are ever the same. Well, having spent four hours or so in Accident and Emergency I can testify to that, but you know God's Grace shines through yet again. We had gone to spend an evening with some friends and whilst eating my Gracie had a severe allergic reaction to one or more of the ingredients of the meal, possibly the cashew nuts. Within minute she complained of chest pains (probably her air ways constricting) and her face looked like she had endured a few rounds with Mike Tyson and hives quickly developed all over her body. It really was a most distressing thing to see her go through. My girl is a trooper. She even remarked "Mummy I didn't expect to be here today!" Each day is a gift from our creator and this kind of sums it up for me:
This bright, new day... complete with 24 hours of
opportunities, choices, and attitudes… a perfectly matched set of 1440
minutes.This unique gift, this one day, cannot be exchanged, replaced or
refunded. Handle with care. Make the most of it. There is only one to a
I just marvel at God's marvellous design; the way he created the human body to protect itself from a perceived threat. I thank God for the swift action of the medical team, from the admissions staff, evaluation nurse and of course the doctors. My gratitude extends to the fact this episode happened in my presence and not when I was not around. You often do not know you are allergic to something until you have a reaction to it!
As my girl rests to allow her body to recover I am as ever thankful today (day 163) for the compassion of my Father in Heaven which surrounded me and mine today and for my good friend whose smile and encouraging words brought much needed support.............
Oh, how scary! I'm glad Gracie is OK.