Thursday, 31 May 2012

Nearly there!

Nearly there!  At school today that was the most used expression, in a variety of contexts.  Nearly there because we will soon be starting our half term break; nearly there as it will soon be the summer vacation; nearly there because I have nearly finished my reports, nearly there because the children are looking forward to the Jubilee celebrations at school tomorrow; nealy there because it will soon be pay day or nearly there because my boy will be home soon!

I am not nearly there though, in terms of my walk with my Father and I am thankful because it means I have so much more to learn and He has so much work to do in me....................  Once we think we are there we would stop pressing forward, we would stop looking to Him to be master of our lives, we would stop looking to Him to provide all our needs and comforting us when we are down. 

I am thankful today (day 157) to be one step closer to being nearly there!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

He will direct our paths............ we need only to ask!

I just love reading the 'word for today.'  Each time you finish reading it you can't help but say to yourself "wow, that makes sense," or "why didn't I think of that or see it from that point of view."  Well the answer is simple.  We don't have the mind of our Father.  He created us and so knows all about us.  He wrote the manual for our lives, a working document, if we would only use it!

Today's message was about decision making.  Every day, from the moment we wake up we begin a 24 hour period of decision making, from the simple, perhaps non consequential ones; "what shall I have for breakfast," or "What shall I wear to work today," to decisions that may change / impact our lives or the lives of our loved ones.

You know we need not stress or worry, instead talk to God and ask him to make the decision(s) for us.
Read on................

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!
'...O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.' Psalm 25:4
Even simple decisions can be stressful. Ever watch a child struggle to choose between chocolate or strawberry ice cream? And the bigger decisions, like whom to marry, which career to choose, whether to buy a house or to undergo high-risk surgery, etc. can be nerve-racking! But you can reduce your stress level by following these biblical principles: 1) Do the research. 'Anyone who answers without listening is foolish and confused' (Proverbs 18:13 NCV). Get all the facts and avoid making decisions you'll regret. Knowledge was never more accessible; through the Internet, helpful books, and especially God's Word: 'Your commands...are my constant guide' (Psalm 119:98 NLT). 2) Talk to God. 'Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.' Consulting God helps prevent premature decisions, clarifies your priorities and prepares you to hear His counsel. Is God interested in your decisions? Yes. 'The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives' (Psalm 37:23 NLT). 3) Be open to new ideas. Don't get trapped in old mind-sets. 'Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights' (Proverbs 18:15 TM). Clinging to the familiar can be crippling. God may choose to lead you along a new path of fresh insight. So breathe deeply, seek His wisdom, and open up your heart to receive it. 4) Get advice from trusted friends. 'It's a hard road that's walked alone,' says an old Celtic proverb. So follow Solomon's counsel: 'A fool thinks he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others' (Proverbs 12:15 TLB).

This is good isn't it?

Today (day 156) I am thankful to have read this and full of gratitude that I can look to my Father in heaven to direct my path.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Unsung heroes.....................

I have been most certainly blessed this year to have a gem of a lady called Liz to work with me as my teaching assistant.  I am sure I have mentioned her before.  She really is a priceless pearl who goes above and beyond to assist and encouragement me in my capacity as a classroom teacher.  Nothing is ever too much and even when she is in discomfort from the sometimes persistent back pain that has plagued her for years now she just soldiers on.

This week has is our end of year assessment week and as usual Liz has just been my backbone; photocopying resources, sharpening pencils, gathering other required stationary, helping me to rearrange the classroom and of course supplying much needed cups of tea and iced water!

There are so many unsung heroes so today (day 155) I am thankful and privileged to be able to give a shout out to one of mine, Liz....................................

Monday, 28 May 2012

No excuses........... just do it!

Do you ever put off doing something in anticipation of the amount of work it might entail?  Well our front garden has been somewhat overgrown (ish) for a while now.  Goodness knows the mini-beasts that have set up home within it or larger beasts for that matter!  Ivy is beautiful, but being fast growing has a tendency to want to take over what ever it is attached to and lately it appears to be trying to make its way into the house, courteously though, through the front door.  Well enough was enough and with my loyal helpers (tidy uppers) in tow we made a start, a small dent in what will be a few days work.  The end result though, will be gratifying.................... I hope!

Life's like that; we sometimes put off doing what we know we need / should do because of the effort / sacrifice (perhaps of time) involved or because we are fearful we may not like the outcome.  We should not forget that there is someone who always has our backs and will be there come what may, whether or not the outcome is a favourable one ................ our Father, who art in Heaven.

So let us boldly go where we need to go.  Let us take the steps necessary to climb that hill, be they little steps.  Onwards then with operation 'sufg' - spruce up the front garden.

I am thankful today (day154) to be reminded of this life principle and its potential to impact all areas of my life.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Rejoicing ...................... always

The glorious sunshine was definitely telling me it was time to don the first maxi dress of the summer.  I chose one of my favourite ones, a chiffon, strapless, full length one which met with the approval of my fashion critic, Gracie!  So suitably attired we made our way to church.

It was my turn to teach Sunday School today and part of the lesson was to think of reasons we have to rejoice.  There were 14 children so I paired them and asked them to discuss any time recently that they experienced something for which they rejoiced or gave thanks to God for.  Their answers were varied, ranging from rejoicing for their family; getting through recent key examinations; being able to do something they initially found hard at school; falling over, but not being badly hurt.  It really was an eye opener listening to their reasons, none materialistic.  In fact they had so many reasons they wanted to share that our discussion could have continued indefinitely.

Do we adults rejoice for similar, simple things or only for the big things or only when the going is good? 

Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice!

Have you learned to rejoice in everything?

The Bible says, “Rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). A couple of verses later it says, “. . . in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (v. 18). “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

Sometimes it is not easy to rejoice or to give praise to the Lord, but that does not change the command.

“It is God’s will that we find joy in prayer in Christ Jesus in every condition of life,” writes A. T. Robertson. There are no circumstances in the Christian's life where he cannot give thanks. God works everything together for good for those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).

“Rejoice . . . pray . . . give thanks” is God’s will for every believer in every situation.

The apostle Paul writing from prison in Rome said, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). “Rejoice” is in the present, active imperative as in 3:1 when Paul said, “rejoice in the Lord.” Paul repeats it in 4:4 for emphasis.

Paul did not tell his readers to “be happy,” but “rejoice in the Lord.” We are to “Rejoice in the Lord,” not our circumstances. Our rejoicing is to take place in Christ. We are to delight in Him. The apostle Paul had inner joy when his external circumstances did not look very promising.

What for you is the most difficult time or situation for you to rejoice? Do you find it difficult to “rejoice in the Lord always” when your good name and reputation have been smeared? Do you find it overwhelming to “rejoice in the Lord” when you are under the weight of despondency or depression? Is it hard to “rejoice in the Lord” when you are slandered for the sake of Christ? Illness, sickness of a child, ageing parents, and bankrupts are times to “rejoice in the Lord.” There is no limit to the exhortation to “rejoice in the Lord.” In deed, as one beloved pastor said, “Through fire and through water, through life and through death, rejoice evermore.’”

Whatever happens rejoice. That is an attitude. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ everything that really matters in this life and the next is yours in Christ. If you trust in Jesus Christ the whole covenant of grace is yours with all of its infinite inheritance. You have a right to everything that grace provides as a co inheritor with Christ.

“Rejoice in the Lord” is something every Christian can do regardless of the chances, changes and circumstances that come in your life.

If you have been saved the Holy Spirit has taken up permanent residence in you. Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in His dwelling in you, quickening you, comforting you, and the illuminating His Word. Rejoice in Him! Is He abiding in your forever? Rejoice and be glad!
And there are many, many more great and mighty things God has done in Christ that should make you rejoice and keep on rejoicing. His covenant of grace, redeeming blood, divine sovereignty, effectual call to salvation, justification, sanctification, glorification, final perseverance, vital union, etc., etc. Rejoice forevermore!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006

Today (day 153) I certainly have plenty of great and mighty things to give thanks for.  I rejoice to my Father in Heaven.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Cliche, I know, but take nothing for granted, but know that all things are a privilege......................

Out and about in the sunshine today we were listening to songs from one of the radio stations; it was disco week-end as a tribute to a couple of disco legends who passed away recently, Donna Summer and Robin Gibb.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am a devoted fan of the Bee Gees and so I have had conversations with my colleagues at school, including the headteacher about Robin Gibb in particular.  Now he and his brothers, Barry and Maurice are legends in the music industry as gifted singer / songwriters, having written for many big names in the industry and their influence spans decades.

Funny enough it wasn't this aspect of their lives that we talked about, but rather the impact their passing will have on their families.  For Barry Gibb, now the sole survivor of the four brothers; it's the simple things like speaking on the phone to each other, visiting one another, honouring birthdays, cliche, but the things we take for granted are suddenly gone.

It all comes back to the same thing, the one thing we all know; making the very most of our loved ones, each other, whilst we are able to.  I know I've said it before, but 'If you say you love somebody you've got to let them know about it.'

When my sister-in-law passed away in 2003 my mother-in-law said something profound, that has always stayed with me.  She said the one thing she was thankful to God for was that Foluke knew that she was very much loved....................... Just that!

I am very honoured and thankful to have spent today (day 152) in the company of my precious jewels and bumped into some other gems on our travels.

Friday, 25 May 2012

And we sang 'Shang a lang'............

It is good to go to bed when you are completely exhausted.  Never before has my duvet's beckon been met with such surrender!  The working week is over making way for the week-end.

Today (day 151) I am simply thankful that the sunshine has brought so much joy to the children in my class and caused lots of singing and dancing on the field at play times.  My children have enjoyed playing in the garden with friends until late, laying under blankets on the trampoline!  I am thankful to my husband who greets me each morning with a warm smile and perfectly made tea and then sends me off with a lovingly prepared packed lunch.  It was also time to launch one of my favourite summer anthems by the Bay City Rollers, my class were suitably impressed.

My partner teacher and I were blessed by an email of thanks sent by a parent to the school office for our trip on Wednesday.  Such gestures are always timely and brought sunny smiles to our faces.

Apparently the sun is going to tease us with its presence for a few more days so enjoy.  What ever you have planned for the week-end I pray you will be blessed!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Home time ..............time well spent!

Most teachers would agree that this is one of the busiest times of the year and time is of the essence in order to meet deadlines and boy there are many to meet.  I tend to spend most of my free time (I use this term loosely) during the school day holed up in my classroom to get as much done and therefore spend as much time as possible indulging in my favourite past time......... hanging with my guys.  Time spent with them is top priority, I just love it.  Gracie is really enjoying learning to play the piano and treated us to 'Ode To Joy.'  She was most excited to be playing with both hands and I have to say she plays pretty remarkably for a 6 year old.  Her beam at the end really was priceless.  Aaron was sharing with us his success in his History exam.  You couldn't bottle his excitement.

There are no guarantees as to the sort of day my work day will present but I am always guaranteed the warmest of fellowship when I get home; we often spend hours at the dinner table in deep conversation about all sorts, listening too or making our own music or simply pottering around the garden.  It doesn't matter too much what we are doing but just that we are enjoying doing it together and for that I am today (day 150) full of so much gratitude.

Time is so precious that God gives it to us a moment at a time.  'The years...pass quickly, and then we are gone.' So what will you have to look back on? Hours spent working overtime or hours spent with your loved ones? Kindig recommends seven things: 1) Remember who's in charge. Manage your time, don't let it manage you. Think through commitments before you make them. Decide what's important. The urgent seldom is. 2) Schedule in reverse. Put your real priorities on the calendar first, then add the rest. 3) Drop one thing from your schedule; for example, spending two afternoons less a month volunteering at the Drop-in-Centre frees you to enjoy lunch with your spouse. 4) Be, rather than do. Think. Pray. Relax in a chair. 5) Get your spouse's perspective on how you're spending your time, and what may be stealing it. 6) Be honest about your limitations. You can't manufacture time; we all get the same amount. 7) Keep a list of your commitments by the phone so you think twice before adding to it.

UCB word for today

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

habitats and life lessons!

53 very tired, but happy children disembarked the coach after enjoying an adventure day outdoors exploring habitats.  They were all a credit to themselves and the school, playing harmoniously in the ever increasing sunshine.  It is good to step back sometimes and just observe, children doing what they do well, when left alone, just getting along.  Children who wouldn't normally play with each other did, their laughter infectious.  They encouraged each other and demonstrated care and consideration towards one another.  What was clear was that they were happy to be together.   I did not have to take any of them to task in a serious way which is quite unusual given the nature of the day!

Children really do show us how it should be done don't they?

Children, when very young, do not desire authority, do not regard outward distinctions, are free from malice, are teachable, and willingly dependent on their parents. It is true that they soon begin to show other dispositions, and other ideas are taught them at an early age; but these are marks of childhood, and render them proper emblems of the lowly minds of true Christians. Surely we need to be daily renewed in the spirit of our minds, that we may become simple and humble, as little children, and willing to be the least of all. Let us daily study this subject, and examine our own spirits.
                                                                             Mathew Henry (English commentator on the Bible)

I certainly learnt a lot more than just about habitats today (day 149) and I am truly thankful.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Sunshine on challenging days

Some days provide more challenges than others and today was one of those.  Despite the welcome appearance of the sunshine which should have been enough to put minds in good spirits it was not to be.  I try not to over analyse such days with the ifs and whys, rather just accept them as perhaps lessons in character moulding, I think!  Perhaps the only thing I may query is how such seemingly perfect starts to a day can quickly change course..............

Nonetheless I am so incredibly blessed that there is always a pair of listening ears and comforting arms waiting for me, not only my Father in Heaven, but my husband on earth!  He always empathises but skillfully helps me to see the situation from a different angle / perspective so that they don't seem so bad after all. 

Today (day 148) I am thankful for God's Grace on my life and His Love for me which I see so clearly every time I look into my husband's face.

The sun is meant to shine again tomorrow for which my class and I thankful for as we are off on a field trip tomorrow to study habitats.......................

Monday, 21 May 2012

Whirlwind Monday.........................

A whirlwind of a day today, early start, late finish.  In a couple of weeks I will be taking my year 4s on a week long residential trip so it was the information meeting for parents tonight.  It was well attended which is always a good sign and the children were buzzing with excitement which is also a good sign.  Such trips are always hard work for us mainly because we are on call 24/7 and this year there are children with particular medical and behavioural needs.  It is though a privilege to be entrusted with the care of precious charges.  For some of the children such trips serve as much needed breaks from their home environments and so we do pull out all stops to ensure positive memories are made.

For me it will mean a week without my precious quartet and I will find that a challenge.  My three will very much enjoy their one on one time with their Dad; Gracie will no doubt take charge where and when she can and totally wrap her dad around her slender pinkie!  Again special memories will be made that week between them....................

After the meeting we met as a team to get better acquainted, a necessary ingredient to ensure the trip's success.

Today (day 147) Lord I thank you for the energy and enthusiasm to sustain me through all I had to do.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Sunday showers........... of blessings

How has your Sunday been?  I am thankful for a few things today:

for my children's compliments as I donned my Sunday best;
for my husband's choice of songs as he lead the worship;
for the children's enthusiasm and participation as I taught them in Sunday School;
for the testimonies shared that will encourage and prayers said that will avail much;
for my son's assistance in preparing Sunday lunch;
for appreciative words and much chatter and laughter as we ate;
for the long distance call from Mum and Dad, twice!
for a friend who called just to say 'hi'
for the hour or so of down time, sitting next to mine truly.............

Wow, my cup does runneth over.  Thank you Lord today (day 146) for such an abundance of blessings.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Embracing traditions.........................

Even though it meant an early start today it was wonderful to enjoy a 'baby shower' breakfast with a member of our fellowship who is due next month.  Her beam as she walked in confirmed to me how much of a blessing it is to go that extra mile to bless someone else.  Her husband too had a beam on his face as he ushered her in before departing.  Having not previously heard of baby showers he had been concerned that his wife may not fully embrace the idea of being bathed publicly.  I quickly assured him that the showers would most certainly not be of the wet kind, but showers of blessings by way of fellowship, prayers and gifts.

A scrumptious breakfast followed along with lots of chatter & laughter.  Baby showers have become something of a tradition at our fellowship.  I often talk to my children about traditions in our family, the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation (dictionary definition); the older ones often handed down as a result of our culture, the more recent ones created by us.  At Christmas time in our home our three open one gift, just after midnight on Christmas Day and then go to sleep.  It is just something we allowed them to do when they were little and it has just stuck.  They will create their own traditions in their homes later on and carry on with some forged with us.  There are schools of thought who beleive traditions have no place, but not me.  I feel that traditions give us the basis for the stories we will tell over and over again and in a society that at times appears to be fraying at the edges, traditions may be a necessary adhesive that binds us together and so I am today (day 145) thankful for them.

Friday, 18 May 2012


Gracie and I have been totally absorbed in a book we have been reading titled 'Daisy May.'  It is a real treat to hear her read because she does so with such fluency, enthusiasm and expression in her voice.  I remember so clearly teaching my three to read, as if it were yesterday.   Teaching each of them was a milestone in their development but also for me as a parent.  It really got me thinking about the different and many milestones they had experienced throughout their early years, learning to walk and talk, potty training, first day at school and the milestones that were yet to come.  Actually our babies are remarkable beings................... thinking about the map of development from birth to just toddlerhood, all in God's perfect design.  In fact if one were to catalogue all of these amazing milestones it would make inspiring reading!

Thank goodness the milestones continue into adulthood as we continue on this journey called life, but as works in progress, clay in the hands of our Father, the potter.  Each milestone is an acievement, to be celebrated!
Milestones in the lives of our children contribute towards the memories we keep in our hearts and should serve as a reminder of the Master Craftsman, the Lord God who created us, perfectly in His image.  However there can be no greater milestone for each of us than when we make the decision to invite Him into our hearts and today (day 144) I am thankful that I made that decision and humbled that He accepted my invitation.

Talking of milestones, a very special lady in our lives achieved one today.  Happy 50th birthday to you Comfort. 

Be truly blessed this week-end..............................

Thursday, 17 May 2012

What a girl!

I stayed behind late at school to get some urgent admin done and make a start on my end of year reports.  It might seem early, but with much to do in the 9 weeks or so of the academic session it is good to make headway.  On arriving at home I had to do a few quick errands before returning to start on dinner.  As I sipped a much needed cuppa I sorted through the mail on the breakfast bar.  There, beautifully written in pink ink (my favourite colour), by my Gracie was 'I love you so so much Mummy.'  She wrote it and simply left it there and boy what a wonderful, joyful, gift.  She often writes me notes and love letters...........................................

My heavenly Father I thank you for the gift of motherhood.  This quote I stumbled across really describes my Gracie. 

              A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer. – Unknown

For every mother and daughter, there is a different and unique relationship. We each have our own distinct strengths and weaknesses, styles, interests, thoughts, and our often-amusing similarities. Nicole Mahaney Whitacre, writer

Today (day 143) I am giving thanks to my Father for my Gracie, my day brightener and heart warmer.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Standing on His promises

Do you get one of those days, you know, when you just feel weary, everything you want / need to do seem to take so much longer and is sheer hard work.  You keep going, drawing on every reserve you have.  Seriously, on such days I have to hold on tight to my Father and His promises.  That is all that sees me through..................

Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God.

I was in need of encouragement and these bible verses were just the tonic

Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Matthew 11:28-29 Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Thank you Lord for reminding me today (day 142) that on days when my 'well' seems to be running dry I only need to go to you for a top up.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Keeping faith..........................

Over and over and over again God reveals a mega measure of who He is; the only one who can make the impossible possible.  Today (day 141) I give sincere thanks on behalf of friends of mine, for the miracle He has performed in their lives.  I am speechless and my dear friend is speechless, well almost and this doesn't happen often!  They had been praying for a breakthrough in a particular situation and I know that for them, as with most of us, keeping faith wasn't easy, but they knew they had to, in order to give Him the glory.

I really pondered on this subject of 'keeping faith' and this really ministered to me.  I am sure it will to you too!

How Badly Do You Want It?

...You have great faith! Your request is granted...' Matthew 15:28
Matthew records: 'A Canaanite woman...came to him, crying out,
"Lord...My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession"
 ...He answered, "I was sent only to...Israel...It is not right to take
the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." "Yes, Lord," she said,
"but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."
Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request
is granted'' (vv. 22-28 NIV). This Gentile woman was an outsider,
yet she pushed through and got what comfortable insiders often miss.
Talk about hurdles! First, Jesus refused to answer her. Next, He said,
'What I have is only for the Jews.' Finally He said, 'It wouldn't be
right to give the children's bread to dogs.' Most of us would have
walked away offended. Not her! She cried, 'Have mercy on me.' She
wasn't asking for what she deserved, she was crying out for what
she needed! As a result, Jesus removed every obstacle and answered
her prayer. And if you persist, He will do the same for you too. In
reality, this woman told Jesus, 'Let the children have the bread, all
I need are the crumbs.' Church folks become so complacent that they
neglect the bread, waste the bread, complain about the bread, and
sometimes don't even come to church to get the bread. But desperate
people pick up the crumbs and find life! They know that if there's power
in the loaf, there's power in the crumb. And when a crumb is all you
can get, a crumb is all you need. So what do you need from God today?
How badly do you want it?

Monday, 14 May 2012

Train up a child ..........................

It is coming to that time of year when assessments and exams are upon us.  It is national SATs week for 11 year olds and school felt somewhat subdued and pensive.  Every available room is being used, as well as spare adults, to ensure every child is afforded a conducive environment to allow every opportunity for success.  As I did my Monday morning housekeeping with my class I asked them to give the year 6 children and their teachers an extra special smile and thumbs up for encouragement should they see them around school.  Furthermore I explained that throughout this week they would need our care, consideration and cooperation as they coped with the emotional roller coaster that often accompanies examinations.

At home Aaron too has forthcoming assessments to mark the end of his first year at secondary school.  He decided to do some History revision tonight with a view to me quizzing him tomorrow.  To watch his enthusiasm and cheer excitement as he sat down to begin about an hour's grafting made by day.  His excitement seemed to grow as he got further into his study session and commented afterwards that he had thoroughly enjoyed it!

Aaron has always been like this, hard working and diligent, thriving on praise which he receives in abundance.  As a parent I am a firm believer, as quoted in proverbs, in;

Training up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. [Proverbs 22:6]

I also believe children should have living examples too...............  Aaron is his Father's son and as I said to him tonight if we could bottle all that his Dad is & is to become, in Christ Jesus, we would be millionaires! 

Today (day 140) I am thankful for my three mighty men in Christ.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

When 'pride' is a good thing

More often than not I write my daily thoughts first and then think of a title.  But today was different.  The title came first!  Having tiptoed in and then out of our bedroom this morning early bird Gracie could not contain her excitement.  Today she would be taking part in her 4th annual dance show, a spectacular 3 hour display of everything from ballet to street!  First she had to to groomed to perfection and so a couple of hours later, with hair neatly contained into an exquisite bun, bag packed with costumes it was off to church first before heading for the theatre, where just over a week ago the Watoto choir had performed!  They had certainly left a heavenly aroma in that place.  Aaron, with two performances under his belt, and junior paracetamol in his belly soldered on, most excited although he managed to contain his.

Now I make no apologies for my absolute bias when I say they were both fantastically amazing.  I ginned till my jaw ached, from the moment they stepped on the stage until first Gracie's gaze found us and she waved to acknowledge our presence followed by Aaron's discreet search amongst the faces in the crowd, beaming when our eyes met!  Good pride is a good thing and today I was a most proud Mummy!

Children look to us for affirmation of who they are, in so many different situations / experiences in their lives and I am so thankful that today (day 139) gave me the opportunity to give my two just that.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Saturday, what a day............

What did sensational Saturday bring to you today? 
  • Well it was just awesome to see the sunshine and it stayed all day....................
  • it was wonderful to celebrate a much needed blessing with some friends
  • it was inspiring to see my boy, Aaron, whom despite feeling somewhat under par, perform twice at the annual show put on by his dance class.  He was out from 10.15 this morning and with only an hour's break finished at 8.00pm without a word of complaint. 
  • A most excited Gracie as she went with her Dad to buy new pink ballet socks and hair net in readiness for her performance tomorrow.  She is dancing to one of her favourite songs 'You don't know you're beautiful' by a band called One Direction, but she will tell you with a frown that she does not really like the bank, just the song.  She is after all a Bieber fan! 
  • Our daily and very much treasured phone call from my big boy Sam
  • my heart was warmed by my husband's "Mmmm delicious" at a meal lovingly prepared by moi
  • my heart was further warmed by a message from my sis Comfort in response to my post yesterday.  She wrote'Keep digging deep!!! The deeper you go the greater the treasure, the more solid the foundation. I know you never keep your treasures to your self , you are forever sharing, for ever changing lives. Thanks for listening to The Holy Spirit daily and sharing all he gives to you. You are loved and treasured.'
Wow Saturday, what a day (day 138)...........  I pray yours was equally full of blessings. 

    Friday, 11 May 2012

    If you can help.............. help!

    I am so excited to share my blessings with you one of which although not mine directly, again has taught me a lesson about giving the best of ourselves all the time and also deepened my desire to be all that God wants me to be.  I hope you can spare a few minutes to read.

    Recently I shared with you about feeling a little (actually quite a bit) under pressure with school 'stuff'' at the moment.  Well on Tuesday I had barely taken my jacket off to set up for the morning when Ollie, a student teacher currently on placement at my school came in to ask for my help.  Although he is placed with another teacher she directed him to my partner teacher who directed him to me.  He had a forthcoming interview; in fact it was the next day and wanted me to cast my eyes over his lesson plan and resources.  I really didn't have the time because I hadn't finished my prep before the children arrived. In addition it was my turn to do the pre-school playground patrol.  However it is just not my nature to say no if I know I can help , but I also felt it was a privilege to have him ask me for help.  Very quickly I glanced over the bumph he presented to me,  made some suggestions and said he should come back at lunchtime and we could continue.  It ended up that I used my entire lunchtime helping him and further offered my teaching assistant to help photocopy and collate his resources.  After a lengthy after school staff meeting he came to have a chat again and I encouraged him regarding his interview.

    Imagine my delight when he came through to my class with the news that he had just received a call from the school offering him the position.  He was most thankful for my input, but in particular the time I had given on his behalf.  What a blessing ! 

    The lessons I learnt from this experience are clear.  Firstly if we are in a position to help someone else, in what ever capacity, then we must.  At times there might be a cost; more often than not, time, which I know for most of us, paricularly we multi - tasking women, is in short supply!  It is though a blessing to bless.  Secondly if we find ourselves in need of help and a genuine offer comes our way then let us say yes more often.  God did not intend us to be an island and to this end, equips each of us with one or more amazing gifts.  May be yours is the gift of encouragement, the gift of a listening ear or the gift of giving.  I believe God wants us to use the gifts he gives us...................... so, .... what are we waiting for!

    But my blessings did not stop there.  I came home to discover that my dear friend Tania had nominated me for an award: a sunshine award because she says my posts cheer her up and lift her spirits every day!  I feel so blessed that something I do blesses her.  It is actually due to the encouragement I have from my family, thank you to my soul mate Ayo, my sisters Sade and Comfort, friends -  thank you Tania & Di and my blog friends - thank you Kristi for your kind words) that I am inspired to continue, even on days when I have to dig deep.   Above all of this  I am inspired because I so want to be more like Him.  I am so thankful today (day 137) that my Father has not finished the work in me and is never to busy to meet with me.

    Thursday, 10 May 2012

    It's good to say 'well done'...............

    You know what, even when you've been doing the same thing for a long time, every now and again, even as adults, it's good to get a pat on the back and hear someone say well done.  With our impending visit from Her Majesty's Inspectors school is harder than usual at the moment as we prepare.  Yesterday I was asked, together with my partner teacher, to provide books for scrutiny, to check that our marking is relevant and aids the children's progress.  I spend a great deal of time marking as conscientiously as I possibly can, but start to doubt myself when such inspections loom and the pressure is on.

    It absolutely lifted my spirits when the Headteacher asked to feedback to us and praised us highly for what he saw as quality first marking.  He went on to thank us sincerely for our efforts with a challenging year group.  He didn't spend a long time in my classroom but they were minutes that made a difference to my day.

    All too often it is easy for people to see what we don't do and vice versa, but today (day 136) I am thankful to be reminded of the need to continue to affirm the efforts made by my husband, children, family & friends, colleagues, pupils and everyone I interact with, by simply saying well done.  It is an amazingly effective tonic!

    Wednesday, 9 May 2012

    He's in charge.............. up there!

    Around this time of year school life although busy, begins to make way for more social, school community building type activities like sports day and the summer fayre.  Given the recent weather I use the term summer loosely.  Now Thursday is the outdoor physical education (PE) day with my class, but we have not been able to go out for the last 3 weeks or so.  Despite my class keep their fingers permanently crossed the rain has ignored their pleas, instead responding with even the additional odd roar of thunder.

    Today as the end of the school day approached and we were singing the song of the week, Gene Kelly's 'singing in the rain' some of my more competitive boys sighed as they looked out of the window at the huddle of parents eagerly awaiting the opening of the classroom door which would mean they could collect their precious cargo and make a run for it.   One of them looked at me and asked if I thought the sun would come out tomorrow in time for our PE lesson.  I suggested to him that he should pray for good weather and he replied that this was a good idea as God was in charge up there.  I concluded this brief chat by saying that as God was in charge we would have to accept what ever weather he sent!  It certainly gave him food for thought.

    Today (day 135)  I was reminded of the simplicity of a child like faith and I am thankful.

    Tuesday, 8 May 2012

    Every little thing's gonna be alright..................

    There are things in life that lift your spirits and give you that 'every little thing's gonna be alright' feeling and today (day 134) I am thankful for such things.  Things like chatting at length to my little sister................... little?  She's nearly thirty ____, but to me will always be 'my little sister.'  Even when life is testing depleted reserves and you feel that you're functioning on empty there is nothing like a two-way pep talk to fill your tank again! 

    We share honestly and openly with only one desire in mind, to build each other up so that any worries become less troublesome.  We encourage one another and pray for each others well being.  Our conversations always end with laughter, either when we reminisce of years gone by or remember the characters of Gracie & Ella (my niece).  If you knew them you'd understand. They are a source of constant joy and laughter, tonics to brighten any dull day.

    You know I'm mushy and proud so enjoy these:

    "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life."

    Author: Isadora James
    A sister is someone who is there and understands who you are. She will be there with you no matter what situation you have been through and going to hit in the future. A sister is your family, best friend, and your friend forever. She is the one you tell your deepest secret to."
    Author: Gabby

    "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."

    Author: Amy Li

    "A perfect sister I am not, but thankful for the one I've got.”"

    Author: unknown

    "If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child."

    Author: Linda Sunshine 

    Heavenly Father you have been so good to me and blessed me with my Sade and I am truly thankful.

    Monday, 7 May 2012

    Rain? But of course it's a Bank Holiday!

    A May Bank Holiday wash out?  It depends which way you look at it.    Look, we have just had 4 sleeps / 3 days of rest which in my books is a mini holiday, so I for one am mega thankful, rain or shine, although it would absolutely have been lovely to have just basked in some sunshine.  In addition Gracie did not get up until 10.20am, yahoo! 

    The Ainas have pretty much had a lazy day although Gracie popped out for her dance lesson and I'm sitting in a sea of books and planning.  Ayo is working on a project that he wants to showcase at work soon.  Did I say a lazy day?  We also popped in on a dear friend who refused to let the open heavens stop her showing-casing her exquisite crafts at a local fayre.

    We were going to do some weeding in the front garden and re-paint the picket fence, not my fault it was raining.............. hee hee!

    I hear there's another Bank Holiday in the not too distant future, but did I also hear that it is during the half term break.  I feel cheated.............................................  but hey here's to a four day working week!

    I thank you Lord today (day 133) for a treasured Bank holiday weekend.

    Sunday, 6 May 2012

    Sunny days on Sunday...............

    It is exciting to look forward to doing something or going somewhere and today it was just lovely to go and fellowship with our church family.  Voices oiled and tuned we belted out some awesome songs, gave praises and thanks to the King.  We of course shared our experiences of the past week, tissues at the ready as many were left unable to speak.  My husband Ayo said something most profound regarding our heavenly guests.  He commented that if they were to come and perform at the Burgess Hall theatre in our town every year, given that we're only a small town, it would not take long before everyone in the town would have witnessed or heard of the special evangelism ministry they have been gifted with.............. now there's an idea!  My boy Sam received a fitting prophetic prayer of encouragement which I know really lifted his spirits and confirmed certain things for him regarding his life. 

    An afternoon spent in lovely fellowship with great company, now that's what I'm talking about!  Thank you Lord today (day 132) for days like this when although the clouds are grey your light radiates all around.

    Saturday, 5 May 2012

    On today's menu..........R & R

    After waving and cheering our special visitors off we arrived home tired and somewhat deflated.  We all took to the sofas, well except Aaron who still had the energy to play out with his friends.  Today though, even James couldn't stop me from falling asleep.  Let me clarify that; James, James Bond..........  In fact if you had walked in late this afternoon you might have been initially concerned to find four resting souls; Gracie nestled in the armchair, Sam stretched out on the long sofa and Ayo and I on the other.  The give away might have been Ayo's light (ish) snoring!  We had all succumbed to the invitation to get some shut eye.

    I am thankful today (day 131) for this blissful end to a blissful week.

    What ever you have planned for this May Bank holiday week-end enjoy.......................

    Friday, 4 May 2012

    Humbling Blessings....................................

    The stage was set.  They came.  They danced.  They sang.  They left, but they will not be forgotten.  I get the feeling that The Burgess Hall theatre will be remembered as the place where the Watoto choir gave every person who attended an experience they will never forget.  They will tell their friends who will wish they had attended.  Their friends will tell their friends and so it will go on.......................

    We thought we would have them to ourselves for a while tomorrow, but they still have to prepare for their special guest, Queen Elizabeth.  So we will say goodbye a little earlier than we planned to.

    I have not experienced anything that I can compare this week to.  It has been a humbling blessing and I have learned much more about the Grace and Goodness of God which has kept these children and adults and will continue to do so all the days of their lives.  For that, today (day 130) I am thankful.

    Thursday, 3 May 2012

    Gifted to write and sing!...........................................

    Today (day 129) I just want to share this song with you.  You will be blessed and thankful as I am, for gifted men of God.  Copy and paste the URL, listen to the interview with two amazing singer / songwriters, listen to the song, listen again and then some more, but this time I'm sure you'll be on your knees...................  Such power in such simplicity of lyrics.  Be warned though, the chorus is likely to become your anthem!

    Verse 1
    Lord, I come, I confess
    Bowing here I find my rest
    Without You I fall apart
    You're the One that guides my heart

    Lord, I need You, Oh, I need You
    Every hour I need You
    My one defence, my righteousness
    Oh God, how I need You

    Verse 2
    Where sin runs deep Your grace is more
    Where grace is found is where You are
    And where You are, Lord, I am free
    Holiness is Christ in me

    Teach my song to rise to You
    When temptation comes my way
    And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You
    Jesus, You're my hope and stay

    Written by Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher, Christy Nockels and Daniel Carson
    © 2011 sixsteps Music / Songs / Sweater

    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    The privilege is ours........................

    When I woke up this morning I was still pondering on the the fact that there is no book like the Bible and how I would sum up what it means to me.  It is the reason I get up in the morning.  The word of God has to be my beginning each day, the reason why I can face tough and sometimes dark days and equally the reason why I open my mouth to praise Him.  I can find the answers to all my questions pertaining to my life in this Book and although I don't always fully understand I trust in them.

    Following on from yesterday I came across some more quite profound quotes from some notable historians and their thoughts on this Book;

    Napoleon: 'What happiness the Bible procures for those who believe it! What marvels it bestows upon those who reflect upon it!'

    Daniel Webster (a leading American Statesman from the 19th century): 'There is no solid basis for civilisation but in the Word of God. If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will continue to prosper. I make it a practice to read the Bible through once every year.'

    William Lyon Phelps (once referred to as the most beloved professor in America-of Yale University): 'I thoroughly believe in a university education for both men and women, but I believe knowledge of the Bible without a college course, is more valuable than a college course without knowledge of the Bible.'

    Sir William Jones (was an Anglo-Welsh philologist and scholar of ancient India): 'The Bible contains more pure sensibility, more exquisite beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence than can be collected from all other books in whatever age or language they may be written.'

    Robert E. Lee (was a career military office): 'The Bible is a book, in comparison with which all other books are of minor importance. In all my perplexities and distress, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.'


    Now during the working week I am an early riser, but I have been beaten to the post each morning so far by our three Ugandan girls, two aged 7, and one aged 9.  Despite a full on day which doesn't end until late evening they are up, smiles at the ready, giggling amongst themselves, eager to go out to minister again.  I have a feeling that even when the tour is over and they return home this diligent attitude, and wholesome and inspiring spirit of gratitude and humility will continue.

    The choir performed at my school yesterday and told us they felt it a privilege to be in our midst.............. no, no, no, the privilege was 100% ours; to be in the presence of princes and princesses of the King.  Although they will perform for Queen Elizabeth on Saturday at her pad in Windsor, every time they lift their harmonious voices to sing, they already do so, to One who sits on a throne and is the most high.  I continue to be blessed by them and today (day 128) and most thankful.

    What does the Bible mean to you?

    Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    A book like no other.........

    Aaron was recently given a young person's trendier version of 'The Message' by his Aunt and really loves it.  It is the old and new testament, but in 'cool speak!'  Together with Gracie we decided that we would read the creation story, again, knowing it would bring a deeper meaning to what we had previously learned and also they were still reading proverbs with their dad.  After reading we always spend time deciphering what message God wanted us to receive.  We love it.....................  It got me thinking about 'the Book' itself.

    Interestingly a few days ago the UCB 'Word for today' was looking at what some notable people had said about the Bible:

    Matthew Arnold: 'To the Bible men will return because they cannot do without it. The true God is, and must be pre-eminently the God of the Bible, the eternal, who makes for righteousness from whom Jesus came forth, and whose spirit governs the course of humanity.'

     ' George Washington: 'It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.'

    .' Patrick Henry: 'This is a book worth more than all other books which were ever printed.'

    ' William McKinley: 'The more profoundly we study this wonderful book and the more closely we observe its divine precepts, the better citizens we will become and the higher will be the destiny of our nation.'

    Reading the Bible within the family circle is more important today than ever before. It draws the family together into a more closely knit unit. It gives each member a faith to live by.' Your Bible-read it every day!

    I couldn't agree more and I am challenged to make this a constant and continuous reality for me and mine and am thankful today (day 127) for such a reminder.