Sunday, 27 May 2012

Rejoicing ...................... always

The glorious sunshine was definitely telling me it was time to don the first maxi dress of the summer.  I chose one of my favourite ones, a chiffon, strapless, full length one which met with the approval of my fashion critic, Gracie!  So suitably attired we made our way to church.

It was my turn to teach Sunday School today and part of the lesson was to think of reasons we have to rejoice.  There were 14 children so I paired them and asked them to discuss any time recently that they experienced something for which they rejoiced or gave thanks to God for.  Their answers were varied, ranging from rejoicing for their family; getting through recent key examinations; being able to do something they initially found hard at school; falling over, but not being badly hurt.  It really was an eye opener listening to their reasons, none materialistic.  In fact they had so many reasons they wanted to share that our discussion could have continued indefinitely.

Do we adults rejoice for similar, simple things or only for the big things or only when the going is good? 

Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice!

Have you learned to rejoice in everything?

The Bible says, “Rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). A couple of verses later it says, “. . . in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (v. 18). “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

Sometimes it is not easy to rejoice or to give praise to the Lord, but that does not change the command.

“It is God’s will that we find joy in prayer in Christ Jesus in every condition of life,” writes A. T. Robertson. There are no circumstances in the Christian's life where he cannot give thanks. God works everything together for good for those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).

“Rejoice . . . pray . . . give thanks” is God’s will for every believer in every situation.

The apostle Paul writing from prison in Rome said, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). “Rejoice” is in the present, active imperative as in 3:1 when Paul said, “rejoice in the Lord.” Paul repeats it in 4:4 for emphasis.

Paul did not tell his readers to “be happy,” but “rejoice in the Lord.” We are to “Rejoice in the Lord,” not our circumstances. Our rejoicing is to take place in Christ. We are to delight in Him. The apostle Paul had inner joy when his external circumstances did not look very promising.

What for you is the most difficult time or situation for you to rejoice? Do you find it difficult to “rejoice in the Lord always” when your good name and reputation have been smeared? Do you find it overwhelming to “rejoice in the Lord” when you are under the weight of despondency or depression? Is it hard to “rejoice in the Lord” when you are slandered for the sake of Christ? Illness, sickness of a child, ageing parents, and bankrupts are times to “rejoice in the Lord.” There is no limit to the exhortation to “rejoice in the Lord.” In deed, as one beloved pastor said, “Through fire and through water, through life and through death, rejoice evermore.’”

Whatever happens rejoice. That is an attitude. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ everything that really matters in this life and the next is yours in Christ. If you trust in Jesus Christ the whole covenant of grace is yours with all of its infinite inheritance. You have a right to everything that grace provides as a co inheritor with Christ.

“Rejoice in the Lord” is something every Christian can do regardless of the chances, changes and circumstances that come in your life.

If you have been saved the Holy Spirit has taken up permanent residence in you. Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in His dwelling in you, quickening you, comforting you, and the illuminating His Word. Rejoice in Him! Is He abiding in your forever? Rejoice and be glad!
And there are many, many more great and mighty things God has done in Christ that should make you rejoice and keep on rejoicing. His covenant of grace, redeeming blood, divine sovereignty, effectual call to salvation, justification, sanctification, glorification, final perseverance, vital union, etc., etc. Rejoice forevermore!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006

Today (day 153) I certainly have plenty of great and mighty things to give thanks for.  I rejoice to my Father in Heaven.

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