Wednesday, 9 May 2012

He's in charge.............. up there!

Around this time of year school life although busy, begins to make way for more social, school community building type activities like sports day and the summer fayre.  Given the recent weather I use the term summer loosely.  Now Thursday is the outdoor physical education (PE) day with my class, but we have not been able to go out for the last 3 weeks or so.  Despite my class keep their fingers permanently crossed the rain has ignored their pleas, instead responding with even the additional odd roar of thunder.

Today as the end of the school day approached and we were singing the song of the week, Gene Kelly's 'singing in the rain' some of my more competitive boys sighed as they looked out of the window at the huddle of parents eagerly awaiting the opening of the classroom door which would mean they could collect their precious cargo and make a run for it.   One of them looked at me and asked if I thought the sun would come out tomorrow in time for our PE lesson.  I suggested to him that he should pray for good weather and he replied that this was a good idea as God was in charge up there.  I concluded this brief chat by saying that as God was in charge we would have to accept what ever weather he sent!  It certainly gave him food for thought.

Today (day 135)  I was reminded of the simplicity of a child like faith and I am thankful.

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