Thursday, 10 May 2012

It's good to say 'well done'...............

You know what, even when you've been doing the same thing for a long time, every now and again, even as adults, it's good to get a pat on the back and hear someone say well done.  With our impending visit from Her Majesty's Inspectors school is harder than usual at the moment as we prepare.  Yesterday I was asked, together with my partner teacher, to provide books for scrutiny, to check that our marking is relevant and aids the children's progress.  I spend a great deal of time marking as conscientiously as I possibly can, but start to doubt myself when such inspections loom and the pressure is on.

It absolutely lifted my spirits when the Headteacher asked to feedback to us and praised us highly for what he saw as quality first marking.  He went on to thank us sincerely for our efforts with a challenging year group.  He didn't spend a long time in my classroom but they were minutes that made a difference to my day.

All too often it is easy for people to see what we don't do and vice versa, but today (day 136) I am thankful to be reminded of the need to continue to affirm the efforts made by my husband, children, family & friends, colleagues, pupils and everyone I interact with, by simply saying well done.  It is an amazingly effective tonic!


  1. I agree! What a great reminder. (Good job with the blog, by the way!)

  2. Yes, it is good to say 'well done'! I thought I'd let you know that I have nominated your blog for a Sunshine Award! It cheers me up and lifts my spirit every day. Thank you! (You can check out the nomination over at mine!) Much love ♥


I'd love to hear from you. Please let us all know what you are grateful for today!