Thursday, 24 May 2012

Home time ..............time well spent!

Most teachers would agree that this is one of the busiest times of the year and time is of the essence in order to meet deadlines and boy there are many to meet.  I tend to spend most of my free time (I use this term loosely) during the school day holed up in my classroom to get as much done and therefore spend as much time as possible indulging in my favourite past time......... hanging with my guys.  Time spent with them is top priority, I just love it.  Gracie is really enjoying learning to play the piano and treated us to 'Ode To Joy.'  She was most excited to be playing with both hands and I have to say she plays pretty remarkably for a 6 year old.  Her beam at the end really was priceless.  Aaron was sharing with us his success in his History exam.  You couldn't bottle his excitement.

There are no guarantees as to the sort of day my work day will present but I am always guaranteed the warmest of fellowship when I get home; we often spend hours at the dinner table in deep conversation about all sorts, listening too or making our own music or simply pottering around the garden.  It doesn't matter too much what we are doing but just that we are enjoying doing it together and for that I am today (day 150) full of so much gratitude.

Time is so precious that God gives it to us a moment at a time.  'The years...pass quickly, and then we are gone.' So what will you have to look back on? Hours spent working overtime or hours spent with your loved ones? Kindig recommends seven things: 1) Remember who's in charge. Manage your time, don't let it manage you. Think through commitments before you make them. Decide what's important. The urgent seldom is. 2) Schedule in reverse. Put your real priorities on the calendar first, then add the rest. 3) Drop one thing from your schedule; for example, spending two afternoons less a month volunteering at the Drop-in-Centre frees you to enjoy lunch with your spouse. 4) Be, rather than do. Think. Pray. Relax in a chair. 5) Get your spouse's perspective on how you're spending your time, and what may be stealing it. 6) Be honest about your limitations. You can't manufacture time; we all get the same amount. 7) Keep a list of your commitments by the phone so you think twice before adding to it.

UCB word for today

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