It is coming to that time of year when assessments and exams are upon us. It is national SATs week for 11 year olds and school felt somewhat subdued and pensive. Every available room is being used, as well as spare adults, to ensure every child is afforded a conducive environment to allow every opportunity for success. As I did my Monday morning housekeeping with my class I asked them to give the year 6 children and their teachers an extra special smile and thumbs up for encouragement should they see them around school. Furthermore I explained that throughout this week they would need our care, consideration and cooperation as they coped with the emotional roller coaster that often accompanies examinations.
At home Aaron too has forthcoming assessments to mark the end of his first year at secondary school. He decided to do some History revision tonight with a view to me quizzing him tomorrow. To watch his enthusiasm and cheer excitement as he sat down to begin about an hour's grafting made by day. His excitement seemed to grow as he got further into his study session and commented afterwards that he had thoroughly enjoyed it!
Aaron has always been like this, hard working and diligent, thriving on praise which he receives in abundance. As a parent I am a firm believer, as quoted in proverbs, in;
Training up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. [Proverbs 22:6]
I also believe children should have living examples too............... Aaron is his Father's son and as I said to him tonight if we could bottle all that his Dad is & is to become, in Christ Jesus, we would be millionaires!
Today (day 140) I am thankful for my three mighty men in Christ.
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