Do you ever put off doing something in anticipation of the amount of work it might entail? Well our front garden has been somewhat overgrown (ish) for a while now. Goodness knows the mini-beasts that have set up home within it or larger beasts for that matter! Ivy is beautiful, but being fast growing has a tendency to want to take over what ever it is attached to and lately it appears to be trying to make its way into the house, courteously though, through the front door. Well enough was enough and with my loyal helpers (tidy uppers) in tow we made a start, a small dent in what will be a few days work. The end result though, will be gratifying.................... I hope!
Life's like that; we sometimes put off doing what we know we need / should do because of the effort / sacrifice (perhaps of time) involved or because we are fearful we may not like the outcome. We should not forget that there is someone who always has our backs and will be there come what may, whether or not the outcome is a favourable one ................ our Father, who art in Heaven.
So let us boldly go where we need to go. Let us take the steps necessary to climb that hill, be they little steps. Onwards then with operation 'sufg' - spruce up the front garden.
I am thankful today (day154) to be reminded of this life principle and its potential to impact all areas of my life.
". . .by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. . ." Alma 37:6