Sunday 30 September 2012

Thanking Him for today

We did have a wonderful time of worship at church this morning, that was clear, but you know it was my three's endorsement and praise of their Dad in leading the worship that was the icing.  They always encourage him by way of feedback and it really lifts him.  Encouragement is such a necessary ingredient to our daily living and I am so thankful today (day 279) witness my children giving it to their Dad.

Now I love old movies and this afternoon I was in for a treat...................'Spartacus,' a real golden oldie from 1960.  When I watch movies like this I marvel at the limited technology available back then, yet they were still able to produce such awesome cinematography.  Wow!  Ben Hur starring Charlton Heston is also one of my most favourite films of all time.

New is good, but sometimes old is even better.

After yesterday's busy, busy day it was my four hour treat!  My children humoured me and let me indulge.  I lasted a few hours before sleep got the better of me.  Still I did record it so..................

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